I have to(Edited)

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"Good morning boys"
"Morning shortie"
"Morning sunshine"
"Morning cupcake"
"Morning princess"
"Oh god are they always this sweet"Bethany exclaim a little too loud"What can I say I just know how to pick a great friend group"Anyways guys this is Bethany she's my cousin"I already told her about the boys the night before so an introduction was unnecessary"Hello Bethany"they all somehow managed to say"Come on let's get on with the tour,I'll see y'all in math don't be late"I stop by my locker then we head to the office"And this is the library" "God my feet are killing me" "You're just lazy come on we have like 45mins left for math class let's go"..."Snow,its time to wake up" "God that you"I mumble"No honey I'm not god now get up the boys are waiting for you"I groan wrapping myself further in the blanket hoping it would swallow me...

"Wake your ass up"my eyes barley open when he kicks me yelling "faster" I scrambled to my feet quickly but wouldn't dare to make eye contact "Fucking finally I'll be having some friends over later so I expect this house yo be clean and food on the goddamn table you got that you waste of space" I nod quickly*smack* he hits me making me fall over "Answer me cagna"he screams leaning over my weakened body as I cradle my face

"Y-yes s-sir I understand" I whisper out "Fucking pathetic" I let out a sob as he kicks me directly in my sore ribs before leaving I roll over onto my back waiting for the pain to die down so I could get his breakfast ready before he gets angry again as the seconds turn into minutes I find the strength to get up and as quickly as I could I got ready my school I grab my shoes and bag before opening the other I look both ways and I'm relieved to hear the heavy snores of my uncle

 "Y-yes s-sir I understand" I whisper out "Fucking pathetic" I let out a sob as he kicks me directly in my sore ribs before leaving I roll over onto my back waiting for the pain to die down so I could get his breakfast ready before he gets angry a...

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I get downstairs and decide to make two eggs cheese and bacon sandwiches even though they are large he eats alot I add some sausage on the the side then top it off with a large mug of black coffee its ironically the only way he'll drink it I grab ...

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I get downstairs and decide to make two eggs cheese and bacon sandwiches even though they are large he eats alot I add some sausage on the the side then top it off with a large mug of black coffee its ironically the only way he'll drink it I grab an apple then put my shoes on and grab my bag and phone and with that I make my way to school the walk seemed shorter or maybe its because I have alot on my mind

I head to the library going to back where no one really ever goes not that it's normally filled with students anyways I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes taking in every sound that I could hear

'This isn't fair no one should be treated like this for no reason' I think as silent tears run down my face 'Mom Dad what did I ever do to make him hate me so much' by now my tears have turned into sobs but I quickly cover my mouth as I hear footsteps approaching "It's almost time for class little grey" I quickly wipe my tears noticing the voice of our librarian Mrs.Walter "Oh right thanking you for telling me"

I look up at her as I get up "Oh dear what happened why are you cry" I look away as my eyes glisten a bit "It's nothing, I'll get to class" she pulls me in a tight hug and I try my best not to cry "You come see me at lunch okay, we'll have lunch together" I smile sniffling "Thank you nona" she lets me out her warm embrace and I quickly head to the bathroom to wash my face and do some check up on my bandages seeing that everything is okay I head to class

I rest my head on my folded arms that lay against the table classes went by with the guys giving me weird looks but its now lunch and I get to spend it with nona I quickly retrieve my bag form my locker and head to the library going to the spot I was at this morning "Hello Nona" I genuinely smile at her "Why hello dear how was your classes" she asks putting out my favorite crackers and cheese along with many others and just like that we had lunch she gave me some great advice as we talked about everything and honestly I was sad when she said lunch was over but I was grateful for her company

"Thank you Nona I'll see you tomorrow"I wave goodbye and head to Geography not a favorite subject but still manageable "You know its rude to stare right" I don't look back but both them and I know they had been caught"Right so we just wanted to tell you that since you aren't our friend like we had hoped would ot be possible for us to become friends" I look back at them then mumble an "O'kay" throughout the rest of the session we made small talk and I got to know them more but sometimes they would say things that would bring back an unfamiliar memory which I would always push away

The bells goes off and I'm exited for my next and final two hour session French with Ms.Fletcher I quickly stand put of excitement but I had to sit back down due to the striking pain that was emitted from my abdomen I sit there for a few minutes just waiting for the pain to at least be bearable enough for me to go to the nurse "Are you okay" for the past few mins that I've been sitting here the boys won't quit asking if I'm okay "Yea just cramps" I lie because there is no way I would actually tell them the truth "Please just go I promise I'll be fine" I say making another attempt to get up but I of course hit my side which cause me to want to scream

"Yea that's not happening" I look at them then at the clock at the front of the class "Guys seriously I'm fine you'll be late if you stay her any longer"I strain out as I take a deep breath a few more minutes past and the pain becomes bearable I thanked and reassured the boys that I'd be okay then head to nurse for some new bandages I quickly wrap and clean everything up then head to class..."Bye Madam Fletcher, see you next week" I quickly get my stuff and begin journey home

I get home more tired than usual but I can not afford to fall asleep I take off my shoes taking them to my room then head back down to tye chicken washing my hands I make a mental list of all the things we have and what could be made from them eventually narrowing it down to about four dish friend chicken, guacamole and chips

Fried rice and twice baked potatoes I set everything doen on the large table then dragged the cooler in the living room filling it with ice and a wide ratio a beer and soda I head back to the kitchen quickly gathering the portion I set aside for myself then quietly head to my room setting the things on the floor I did my night routine then my homework finishing I begin to think about what amma do tomorrow as it marks my eighteen birthday

I can't survive anymore of this I have to move out I let out a sigh losing my appetite as the years flash by unexpectedly I went to bed in high hopes that the company of his friends don't end up like their last visit my eyes drew heavy and my drain soon shut down

What if I don't have the guts to leave what will he do yo me of he finds out that I'm trying to, what if he let's me leave then hunt me down and end me it's 2a.m and right now sleep is the last of my worries I'm eighteen now and the only thing that is on my mind is that I have to leave this place I have to start over I have to heal from all this...I have to

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