𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘦

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the next morning you woke up and got ready for the school day, you were at the akagis household and were getting ready.

you had gotten ready and went down stairs to go eat breakfast with him and his family. his little sister sat next to you as well as his mother on your end of the table across from her was his dad and across from you and his sister was akagis brother and him.

you had always had eaten with michis family almost everyday for years.

you were grateful to have them in your life.


you guys got to school and you and akagi walked together this time. you guys joked around and you were spotted by his fan girls as well...he didn't have as much as the other members but he them.

you rode your skate boards to school since you were almost late.

you guys were in the halls inside of the schools, akagi entered his class and you waited outside and some pretty angry girl came up to you and slapped you in front of everyone.

"you're a slut" she said

"kay how so?" you asked bluntly with no expression.

you felt really hot from all the attention you were getting and felt uncomfortable.

"don't think the whole girl club doesn't see you hanging out with all the volleyball boys, you're probably just a slut trying to fuck all of them" she said crossing her arms

"y'know it's to be told that someone who call someone else a slut is a proven fact that the other person is the actual slut" you said bluntly again.

"well i am not for your information, just stay away from the volleyball boys or else we will, do something so bad your going to regret messing with the volleyball boys" she said

"i have no regrets and never will so good luck with that" you said as she walked away mad.

you sat down on the ground and waited for akagi to get done. you sat there with your legs to your chest head down into your knees. you felt like you were about to panic and your breathing was unsteady and heavy, you were trying to get air and breathe but you couldn't, you freaked out on the inside and you weren't feeling good, it felt like the first time you met the boys. you just didn't fell good.

"hey y/n are you ok" osamu asked kneeing down to your level.

you looked up and your eyes looked like you were traumatized. you were shaking and your breathing was really uneasy. you jumped out and hugged him right away, you heart was beating fast, you couldn't breathe you were panicking, you were shaking really bad.

"d-dumplings" you said patting his back constantly.

he was confused and kept asking you what's going on. akagi came out and asked what was happening.

"d-dumpLING" you said partly yelling to get him to hear.

akagi grabbed you off of osamu and he rushed to his bag. he closed the door behind him.

"EVERYONE GET OUT" he yelled. everyone did as he said and you were panicking and shaking unable to breathe and slamming your hand on the desk crying.

"y/n drinking this" he said and helped you drink it.

"calm down y/n" he said and hugged you trying to calm you.

your breathing was really uneasy. you could barely breathe when you tried to it was hard for you. soon you felt like you were suffocating and you fainted.


after a couple of hours you woke up in the hospital. akagi was sleeping nexting to you he was sitting in a chair with his head resting on your hospital bed.

you played with hair and weren't so happy.

he woke up from the touch of your hand.

"y/n you're awake" he said happily and when you saw his face it looked like you were crying.

"hey michi" you said sitting up. you looked down at your lap and didn't say anything else

"hey are you feeling better? the doctors said you should probably stay here till you're able to go outside and fine with doing so" he said a bit down.

i'm sorry michi, i have so many problems with myself and i can't control most of them, my parents weren't suffering like i did, so why was it them that left me, why them, why not me" you cried "why.."

"y/n don't talk like that, you're perfect the way you are, don't say stuff like that, i wish mom and dad were here too but they aren't, it still hurts and i hate that it does and it happened, but i'd be more upset and depressed then ever if you were the one gone, i'm not saying this to offend you but y/n you're important to everyone, they would be like you if you were the one to be gone" he said looking down holding you hand.

"i don't want to be here right now, i want my mon and dad, it hurts a lot michi i want them here with me, they were so perfect now, things were perfect, now they aren't, why could i just be the one to die, why can't i just die akagi" you said upset and angry at yourself as you cried.

"stop talking like that y/n, things may have been prefect back then but who says things won't be later, just wait please y/n don't die on me i can't lose you" he said crying.

you felt bad and even worse and hugged michi.

"i'm sorry michinari i won't say stuff like that you won't lose me i swear" you said feeling bad about how he felt if he lost you.

"i don't wanna lose you y/n i really don't" he said.

"i don't wanna lose you either" you said crying. "what time is it"

"almost 2pm" he said

"wanna go for a walk" you said and smiled

"but you need to get better y/n"

"yea i know but i will get better" you said

"i know but not today, we can play board games card games anything else but go out of this room, intel your better you need to be easy on your self" he said

you nodded and crossed your legs patting the seat infront of you.

you guys played board games and had fun in the time. soon you went to bed and called it a night early




follow for more!

have an amazing day!

- author-chan



𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗞𝗘𝗗 𝗠𝗬𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗬 (𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗮𝘅𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu