So what do you play?

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*The gang were all walking to the next kingdom with the exception of Yong who was riding on Prometheus. The other teens were bickering on account of another disagreement they had earlier. Yong had a vague idea of what they were talking about, but he was bored so he decided to entertain himself.* 

Varian: For the last time Hugo: iron is not better than steel!

Hugo: Yeah, in your opinion! But as fact, iron has a high melting point which can make more moldable. And it gives off a luxurious shine which is always an added plus. (smirk)

Varian: But steel is more durable which makes it more reliable over a long period of time!

Nuru: You can keep your steel and iron. I am going for titanium.

Hugo: Princess, what makes you think titanium is better than iron?

Nuru: Well for one, titanium is shinier than iron, more durable than steel, and stronger than both. (satisfied smirk)

*The three teens looked to Yong who was creating a very catchy rhythm by drumming two thin stick on Prometheus' saddle.*

Hugo: Ey, that rhythm ain't bad firecracker.

Yong (giant smile) : Oh, thanks! Just made it up.

Varian: That does sound very nice. Wish I could add some piano to it.

Nuru: I didn't know you played, Varian.

Varian: Oh, well I- uh like to play and sing in my spare time. Music just kinda helps relax the nerves ya know? (sheepish smile)

Yong (sees this as a chance for group bonding time): Oh cool! Can you play anything Nuru?

Nuru: Hmm. Well I can play the guitar and the lute pretty well.

Yong: Cool!...What's a lute?

Nuru (smiles): Basically an oval shaped guitar.

Yong: Oh.

Varian: What about you hotshot? You play anything?

Hugo: Well, if I told you, your minds would be too blown to picture me with my particular instrument.

Varian: Ok, sooo... You can't play anything.

Hugo: I didn't say that.

Varian: Sounded like it.

Hugo: Then you need to get your hearing checked. I play the *inhale* the trombone.

*Varian, Yong, and Nuru just looked at him. They didn't know whether to laugh or encourage him.*

Yong whispers: What's a trombone?

Hugo: A trombone is a long metal instrument that you blow into. Kinda like a trumpet. 

Yong: Cool.

Nuru: Y'know, I bet you don't sound half bad playing.

Hugo (happy that the others didn't make fun of him): Are you kidding? I am straight up amazing when I play! I bet I can outplay Goggles over here.

Varian (triggered): Oh ho. You wanna take bet!? Next time we find some instruments, YOU ARE ON TROMBONIST.

Hugo (smirking): Whatever ya say piano man.

Yong thinking: Well, at least they're not arguing over metals anymore.

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