Detective Akamatsu and Saihara on the Case! - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"W-Wow!" My head hurt from all that. How did he think of all that?! "You really are a detective Saihara!"

He grabbed his hat and pulled it down over his eyes again. "T-Thanks.. I didn't think it was that amazing of a plan though, I mean, what if other cats get attracted too and what if the cat went too far away anyways and-"

I cut him off and pouted at him again "No Saihara! Don't doubt yourself. Your plan is amazing, and I mean that. To me, it's really impressive you thought of that instantly while I was panicking." I gave him a friendly smile after my speech.

His face turned red and then he smiled back, his eyes finally meeting mine. "Thanks, Akamatsu."

I blushed as well. His eyes were a bland gray, yet they were beautiful. I felt my heart flutter when I saw them for the first time. His eyes, they were filled with sadness, yet confidence at the same time. I couldn't explain it. "N-No problem.." I finally replied.

I immediately looked down. How funny, now I'm the one looking at his shoes. Why am I so hot all of a sudden?? In the corner of my eye, I saw him look down and blush too.

All of a sudden, the cat got riled up and scratched my arm. "Ow!" I dropped it and then it ran away.


"NOT AGAINN!" we both yelled out as we chased the cat again.


We caught the cat again, and he poured some cinnamon that he bought from the market on the toy. The cat was so excited that I had to hold it extra tight as it was reaching towards the toy. I guess cats really do like cinnamon.

We let the cat go lose near a corner on the sidewalk and hid behind a car.

"Saihara, this is totally gonna work!" I shook him excitedly.

"Y-Yea, maybe. Hopefully."

Glancing from the behind the car, I saw the blonde cat walk towards the black cat and they immediately started meowing at each other. The blonde one rubbed his cheek against the other as the black did the same. Eventually, they shared it with each other as they both gnawed on it.

"Awww, isn't that cute Saihara, they're sharing! I thought cats are grumpy but I guess these ones got a thing for each other, huh?" I said with a laugh as I nudged him with my elbow.

He just giggled quietly as he slowly got up and tip toed towards the cats. He swooped them both up and held them with both arms.

"A-Ah! I got them! It actually worked!" he yelled happily. The cats appeared to be struggling a lot though.

"I knew it would!" I jumped out from behind the car. "Here, I can grab one of them."

We started walking towards the client's house in victory.

The cats at first were growling at us but eventually they stopped caring and stayed put, meowing at each other.

"It's like they're talking!" we both laughed.

We cheerfully walked back to the client's house in victory. He knocked on the client's door and I was prepared this time so I closed my eyes. I heard a voice boom.


"A-Ah, no problem and thank you. I don't think it's that big of a deal though.."

"NO MR SAIHARA, I OWE YOU MY LIFE!" he sobbed and put down his cats as he ran to hug Saihara.

"N-No problem?? You don't need to owe me your life though.." he replied awkwardly and accepted the hug. I just giggled at him.

After that ordeal, Saihara offered to walk me home. I thought it was sweet.

"This was really fun Saihara. I really felt like a detective's assistant! Together we solved the case of the missing cats." I smiled at him and he immediately blushed. It's pretty cute how often he blushes. I just smiled wider with that thought.

"Y-Yea we did. Though, I'm the detective's assistant." he smiled back. "Though, we did have a strange first meeting that brought us together." He pointed towards the mark on his cheek.

I looked at him apologetically again. "Sorry about that again.."

He gave a short laugh and then looked at me again. "It's alright, I already forgive you. It's been a while since I've had fun looking for lost pets, but having you there made it fun."

I started blushing really hard. "A-Ah. Th-Thank you Saihara! It was um.. I-It was fun being with um.. y-you too." I mentally cringed at myself for stuttering so much.

He started blushing as well.

"I-I-I uh.." he coughed. "Anyways, um, uhh.. how far until we get to your house?" He desperately tried to change topic. I noticed though and just giggled.

"Trying to change the topic, huh Saihara?" He looked down embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I think it's cute." I muttered under my breath.

"H-Huh, what'd you say?" he asked.

I just giggled and skipped ahead of him. "Nothingg~ Nothing at all~"

"H-Hey Akamatsu tell me!" he ran behind me to catch up while I laughed.

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