Chills (Tommy and Tubbo Fluff)

Start from the beginning

I was walking past the stairs when I heard movement from downstairs. I backtracked a bit and stalled at the top of the stairs, straining my ears to check on Tommy. For a moment it was quiet, then I heard harsh coughing and a small annoyed grunt. I put my plate down on a table and went down the stairs quietly. It wasn't spying, per se, I was just making sure he was actually okay since I knew he would lie if I just walked in. I crouched outside the door, listening again. Tommy tossed and turned in bed, seemingly unable to get comfortable. He coughed again and sighed, frustrated. It was silent again for a moment, but then small muffled sobs could be heard through the door. 

I had to make sure he was okay, even if I was intruding a bit. I knocked softly a few times, "Tommy? Can I come in?" He shifted, sniffing. "Oh, um... yeah, come in." I walked into the room, peaking through the door. 

"I just wanted to check in, I heard a lot of coughing." I said, analyzing him now. Tommy's normally blushed skin now was much paler, and the bags that seemed to persist under his eyes were even darker than usual. He was curled up into a shaky, loose ball on the bed, occasionally coughing or wiping his nose on his sleeve. Even though he tried to hide it, I could see the tear marks that trailed down his face onto his neck. He was avoiding my gaze now, looking at the floor. 

"The chills are just making it hard to get comfortable, but its fine, I'll fall asleep at some point." He said unconvincingly. He coughed again, a painful sounding noise. I could tell his head hurt because every time he coughed he put his hand up to his head, trying to rub the pain out. His chills were getting worse too. I felt bad, I knew he was in pain, but I didn't know how to help. I sat on the foot of the bed, "Do you want anything to eat or drink before you sleep?" He thought about it, then answered, "Water, please."

Upstairs, I filled a pitcher with cold water and put a piece of leftover chocolate chip bread onto a clean plate. I also grabbed an ice pack for his head and an extra blanket for his chills. Walking back downstairs and into the room, Tommy was laying back now, trying to keep himself warm. I handed him the glass of water and he sipped at it while I unfolded the blanket and put it around him. Once half of the water was gone, he put the glass on the bedside table and pulled the blanket tighter. I offered some of the bread, but he pushed it away. I just set it to the side.

"Is the blanket helping any?" I asked. He nodded, "I think so, but I honestly don't know if I'm too hot or too cold. I just want to stop shaking, its so goddamn annoying..." I passed him the ice pack, and he placed it on his head, feeling instant relief. "Do you want me to stay for a bit, or I can leave-"

"No, no, no... stay, please." Tommy was obviously uncomfortable, and no number of blankets or ice packs could make it go away entirely. He covered his eyes with his hands, exhaling. The shaking was starting to stop, but I could tell he was still burning up. We sat in silence for a minute until Tommy finally uncovered his eyes. He chuckled, then coughed, "I'm gonna ask for something, but you can't tell Techno or the other guys, okay?" I looked at him confused. He made eye contact smiling, "I'm serious, I'll punch you so fucking hard if you tell anyone." I laughed, "Okay, what is it?" He covered his eyes again, another headache coming on.

"Can you just...just talk? It could be about anything, I just- I don't want to listen to the blood rushing in my ears..." I giggled, now knowing why he didn't want me to tell. He liked to keep up his 'tough guy persona' for Techno and Phil, but I think he was actually just a goofball underneath everything. Thoughts swirled in my head, trying to think of something to talk about that would be calming enough. I sighed, laying over the end of the bed, perpendicular to Tommy. 

"I don't think I got to show you this before our walk was interrupted, but I'm starting a new bee hive up here. I really missed seeing the bees in L'manburg everyday, so I started planning a little glass bubble to house the bees. It's gonna have every flower and tree I can get. Maybe I can even get a mooshroom to put in there too..."

I talked at Tommy for a little while, going from bees, to plans of a cobblestone tower, to the view from the top of my new favorite tree. I periodically peered at him throughout my rant. He slowly stopped shaking as much and his coughing gradually became less violent. He even would grin at some of my comments. It was nice to just talk about whatever I wanted. I didn't usually get a say when I was in groups, but Tommy always tried to make people see my worth. He was good like that.

I was going on about this or that when I heard a snore. I paused for a moment, sitting up to look at him. Tommy was laying peacefully, barely shaking. His hands still covered his eyes, but they weren't pressing as hard as before. I smiled, knowing he'd feel much better tomorrow now that he was sleeping. I carefully got off the bed and removed the now warm ice pack from his head. I went upstairs and grabbed the second pack to replace the first. I pulled the covers around him and shut the door behind me. 

It was almost 4 in the morning, and I was exhausted, so I skipped my usual routine and collapsed onto my bed, almost instantly falling asleep. 


I woke up the next morning relatively late for my standards. I got out of bed and shuffled to the kitchen, not wanting to wake- 

"Good morning!!" I swear I just about jumped out of my skin as Tommy appeared from the kitchen door. I fell back, swearing on my way down. I glared jokingly, "What'd you do that for, dumbass? I thought you were sick!" He coughed a laugh out and caught his breath as I got up. "No lie," he said, "I woke up this morning and felt close to fine aside from a bit of a headache and cough. Honestly, I swear you're a miracle worker or somethin'..." Tommy picked up the ice pack and placed it on his head, bowing and saying, "M'lady." 

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, glad he was feeling better. I went over to the table where I put the bread last night and opened the container, but to my surprise, no bread. I turned to look at Tommy, anger starting to build. 

"You didn't..."

"Snooze, you lose, bitch." 

I chased him around the house, laughing and yelling. He dodged my every step, feigning fear. I finally caught him in a corner and tackled him playfully. We laughed long and hard all morning and all during our continued walk. 

As Tommy has said before, we're two halves of a whole. We aren't ourselves without the other. After every thing that has happened the past year, having Tommy here to laugh with me is honestly the best thing I could possibly ask for.


a/n: this is no joke my favorite oneshot I've written. that's why its so long, i got really into it XD. Hope you enjoy :)

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