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Readers Point of View

you rock back and forth on your bed ever since you found out who's heart it was you wouldn't leave your room for days at a time your grandma had become extremely concerned about your mental and physical health you rarely ever ate and when you did you ate very little of what was on the plate and now you almost never even looked at your mail you were very skeptical  about it but today was different you got a letter from 'Your secret admirer' you felt tears threatening to spill when you remembered reading the note 'It' Gave you.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Flash back to yesterday ~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

 You weren't entirely shocked to hear that you had mail,-since your parents' murder many people had sent cards and flowers and that sort of thing- but you found it strange how large this package was. It was odd, but you were always the curious type, so you had to open it. You picked at the tape until the end came loose, then yanked it off of the cardboard. The moment you opened the box to reveal what was inside you found your self screaming at the top of your lungs. 

For inside the box, there was a heart. A human heart.  

there was also a note under neath the heart but you dare not to touch it so later that day the police removed the heart and give you the letter although it was the last thing you wanted to do  was read the letter but you picked it up and the letter read out;

'Dear Y/N,
I hope you like my gift i know that i killed your parents but your beauty has intrigued me ,
You stole me heart and since I didn't have a heart to give I decided to give you your mothers heart
Please forgive me I don't want you to hate me for this but Its like the movie 'The beauty and The Beast' I
Obviously being the beast or as you call me 'Monster' you know i've been called that name so many times , But
hearing it from the one you love really hurts did you know that y/n? well just in case you didn't i decided to tell you
and I also wanted to say I can't help that i have to kill humans for food It's the way I am I didn't ask for this It's kind of like
How humans kill cows, They kill the mother and the father and they eat them I do the same but Instead I do it to Humans But What
Happens when the human loves the cow? Or in my case the monster loves the human? It is a forbidden love I know this much So tell me y/n,
Just how innocent are you?The human?To the cow you are the Monster How does this make you feel? We aren't so different you know, Well until next time,

Goodbye y/n,
Love ~Your Secret Admirer

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Back to the present ~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

You shakily wipe away the tears and let out a uneven breath and stumble over to your bed and curl into ball in the center the bed forgetting about the letter for a little while.

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