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Eyeless Jacks Point of View

" Goddamnit..." I curse under my breath and slam the refrigerator shut. I sigh and walk over to my room, grabbing my hoody and slipping it on over my ashen gray torso. I grab my scalpel and twiddle it in between my slender fingers before putting into my hoody pocket. 

I grab my blue mask and put it on over my face, also taking a duffel bag with empty jars inside of it. I shoulder the bag and make my way out the door after making sure my combat boots are tied. I walk out the cabin door and lock it behind me. Here my journey starts for more kidneys. Jeff thought it would be funny to hide and throw away my food....... Well, not really food but rather organs. 
I walk down the dirt path and into Slender Forest, where I will then continue my journey to the nearest city which happens to be (c/n). I walk through the many trees to a certain clearing with a large lone rock which.

I whistle for my friend Seedeater and its not long after that I hear the familiar sound of panting to my left. I turn and see seedeater running through the trees coming to a halt in front of me. I climb onto Seedeaters bony back and hold onto his mane for support, making sure I don't fall off of him. He runs me to the edge of (c/n).
It looks so beautiful, the moon glistens off of the snow so wonderfully. I would stay but I don't have time to enjoy the scenery before me because that's not what I'm here for. I came here for kidneys and that's it. 

I climb off Seedeaters bony bag I once again slinging the duffel bag over my shoulder and cracking my sore back from that unpleasant ride. I pat seedeaters back twice to let him know its ok to run off now and he does as told and runs off into the forest.

I run down the hill and into the city. Theres not really anyone outside since it's so late at night. I walk around for a while before choosing (Street name). 'I haven't been on this street in a while' I think to myself and decide to go to (Your House Number). I walk around checking for any unlocked windows or doors. I find an unlocked window and enter the house. I look around and see what appears to be adults sleeping in the bed, the male on his side the female on her stomach.

"This should be easy" I chuckle lightly and open the duffel bag pulling out three pairs of hand cuffs. I walk over to the two and roll the male over, he stirs in his sleep but does not wake. I gag them and cuff their hands together, locking the other ones to the bed post. A smile grazes my lips seeing them so helpless. I pull out my scalpel from my pocket and have two jars at the ready. I dig my weapon into the females side and cut it open until the gash is wide enough That I can pull out her left kidney. I can tell shes awake by now and she is trying to kick me. 

"Silly girl it won't work." I chuckle. 

I stab it into her right side this time making sure to endure pain but not damage the kidney. Not caring if the hole in her side is big enough or not i reach in and pull the other kidney out before slitting her throat and putting the Kidneys in two separate jars. The male is awake by now and watches in tears as I killed his wife before I kill him in the same manner. Putting the kidney jars in the duffel bug i walk down the hall and into another room.

Readers Point of  View

You wake up hearing something going on in your parents room, it sounds like muffled screams. Your eyes pop open and widen in terror. You reach under the bed where your dad made you keep a baseball bat in case of an emergency. You quietly walk over to your door and peer out only to be met with a blue mask. You swing the bat in every direction as the masked man pounces on you, tackling you to the floor. Your back hits hard causing you to lose all of the air in your lungs. When you regain your senses you're trying to kick him off of you. You can hear him laughing as if he knows you're not going to live through this. You're starting to think you won't,As he tries to cover your mouth and when you finally get his hand off your mouth you scream as loud as you can in hopes of someone hearing you, And you say "you're a monster.." tears streaming down your face and almost immediately he stops laughing. He straddles you, and you would be blushing if he wasn't trying to kill you.

He uses one hand to pin your wrists above your head and the other to cover your mouth and he just sits there like he's listening. That's when you hear it. Police sirens. You smirk under his hand and he jumps up off of you, running and leaving you on the floor. You attempt to run after him as he goes to your parents room where he came from and you run in after him. That's when you see it.

You stop dead in your tracks. The sirens are just out front now and you hear someone knocking on the door but you can't move. There's blood....Everywhere.  The pain etched into your parents face makes you drop to your knees and you hear the front door break open. They're running up the stairs as you fall over, the darkness slowly engulfing you. At the last second you see two police officers standing over you and trying not to puke at the gory scene in front of them. They notice you and kneel down as you blackout.

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