A secret admirer?

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(2pm, in Potions classroom)

While Ariel was making her Swelling solution, something was thrown into the room, distracting many student. "Who dares to send mail?!" Yelled Pr. Snape. Just then, he noticed an owl walking down the corridor to the stairs and be picked up by some Gryffindor student. "Marina! Letter for you!" Shouted Snape, going towards my avatar. "Oh um, thanks," she said, looking at the letter. "To Miss Marina, from a secret admirer in your house" After class, Ariel walked upstairs towards a barrel-like hidden entrance near the kitchens. "What a strange thing, need to open it away from others," she said, entering through the entrance and into her house's common room. There weren't that many students here, so she went to a seat by the big tree in middle of the room. As she opened the letter, it said:
"Hi, Miss Marina, there's something interesting about you. Other than knowing you as the "curse-breaker," you seem loyal and very accepting to many of who come to talk to you, even those who are strangers to you. Would you like to have a friendly introduction in the grasslands at the creature preserve? I'll be happy if you'll go. -your secret admirer in your 3rd year, with house pride. 🦡

(4:30 pm, in the grasslands at the creature preserve)
Ariel came to the grasslands and soon hear her name being yelled from a distance in front of her.  "Hey, you came!" Came a male voice. I saw a blonde hair boy coming towards me, and my goodness what an appearance! His blonde hair was in a quiff-like style, sorta an English hairstyle. His eyes are brown and had a black collar shirt with neatly rolled up sleeves, that matched his steel colored jeans and black classy shoes. Ariel tried to keep herself together. "Oh, you sent me the letter." She asked. The boy smiled and gave out his hand. "Yes, nice to meet you Miss Marina. I'm a third year like you, am a spirited Hufflepuff. My name is Thomas Morris." We shook hands before walking through the grasslands. We talked till we reached an area by the rocks, and sat down on the grass. "So, now that you know my name, can I know yours? You didn't mention it yet," Thomas said. Ariel realized what an awkward thing just happened and quickly said,"I am Ariel, you know my last name. Yeah, nice to meet you Thomas. Thanks I suppose for the letter." Thomas smiled while looking at my complexion as the sun was sending down rays onto where we sat. "Ariel, what a nice complexion you have with your warm blonde hair," he said softly. Ariel looked down, trying to keep herself  from turning pink in the face. "Thanks, do you say things like that to every person you come across?" she asked, looking back up at him. "Not all, I keep it limited in numbers, anyway I'm not so socially involved, unless there's a study session or something happening in one of the clubhouses."  We talked for a while, till it started to get dark and it was almost time to go to our house table in the Great Hall.

(Below, photo of description of the third year boy, Thomas Morris)

(Below, photo of description of the third year boy, Thomas Morris)

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(Below, the typical Hufflepuff closet. Circled are the clothes Ariel is currently in)

 Circled are the clothes Ariel is currently in)

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