Taehyung maid a disgusted face

"It's sour" He said and shakes his head

"Aww baby wait here taste this one" He said and gave him another one

"Is it better?" 

The younger nodded

"Hmm..what are you gonna draw little one?" Jin asked as he was tidying some papers

"umm..i don't know..any ideas?" He asked and looked up an Namjoon

"Do you wanna draw mommy?" He asked and took a new paper

"Jin..?" He said quite

"Mommy will be our model hmm"

Taehyung kept looking from the one caregiver to the other..

"Taehyung-ah do you want me to take any pose?"


"How about this one?"  He said and winked


"This one?" He said and placed his hand on his cheek

The younger thought about it..


"Like this?"

"Yes!! Stay!!" He said and pointed at him

Namjoon couldn't hold himself and started laughing

Taehyung blushed a little

"Don't laugh" He said serious

"I'm sorry I'm sorry.."

"Namjoon-ah you are distracting him!" Seokjin faked scolded

"Stay!" Taehyung said serious

"I'm sorry.."

"Done.." Taehyung said proudly and placed the crayon near his drawing

"Can I see?" Seeking asked

The younger nodded proudly "oh my!" The older gasped

"Oh my god!!My little artist!" He said and picked him up

Taehyung started giggling non stop

"Woah Mr.Van Gogh do you mind if I take a picture of it?" Namjoon said and took his phone

The younger shakes his head

"Thank you" He said and took a photo of the drawing


"Do you wanna draw daddy too?" Seokjin whispered at him, the boy happily nodded

"Let's make him...monster" He whispered at the him

"yes!"  He said happily

"Okay okay..come here" He said and placed him on his lap

"Should we start?"


"Namjoon honey I want you to stay still oke?" Jin  leading him

"Okay of course, do you want me to take any pose?"

"Do we want baby?" Seokjin asked Taehyung

Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds.."hmm nu!" He said and looked back at his paper

After a few minutes Taehyung looked up at Seokjin

"What color?" He asked and pointed at some random crayons

"Wanna make him green?" Seokjin asked  "oke" Taehyung said and reached for the green crayon

Namjoon started laughing with the advice his husband was giving

"No laugh..I'm working.." He said quite "I'm sorry" He said and tried to hold back his laugh

"..done" He said to himself

"Can I see?" Namjoon asked, "yes" Taehyung said and looked at his lap

"Oh my!This is so pretty" Namjoon said "but I need to ask you one thing"


"Did mommy told you to add horns?"

"uuh.." Taehyung felt like sweating, he looked up at Jin and the man was looking at him with the biggest smile

"Ji- Mommy did" He said and started playing with his fingerd

Ah! Mommy?! No Jin hyung! What the hell?!?

"I see..just for you to know..next time we should draw your mommy as a frog" He said and stood up

"Frogs are pretty" Jin said as he also stood up and placed the boy at his hip

"If it's gonna be you of course it will be pretty" He said and kissed his cheek

Namjoon was about to kiss the younger's cheek too but Taehyung pulled back and hid his face at the man's neck

"aww baby..just a little kiss?" He said giggling by the little's behavior


"Can mama get a kiss?"

Taehyung looked up at him and before he could pull back the older kissed the top of his nose

"ahh!!" the younger started whining while both men started laughing

"It's..its no fun" He said while blushing

The olders couldn't help but coo at his cuteness


"Oh? What is it baby?"  Namjoon said seeing that Taehyung trying to reach something

"I..I want the strawberry..its only one left" He said trying to reach it

"Oh..here my prince" He said and gave him the strawberry
"thank you" He said shyly

"Hmm..I will add them at the shopping list..for tomorrow.."


"Yeah baby tomorrow morning your daddy is planning to go to the grocery and when he come back we may are going to the mall hmm" Seokjin explained


"yeah mall is a place with a lot of stores..and if you be a good boy you can get a  news toy!"


"We won't go if you don't want tho.."

"I..um wanna try and go" He said and placed his head at the man's shoulder

"Okay..everything you want" He said and kissed his hair


Hope y'all liked the rest^^
Taehyung is having fun with Namjin hehe
Hope y'all had a great day and also happy late b'day for Hobi!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

Hope y'all liked the rest^^Taehyung is having fun with Namjin heheHope y'all had a great day and also happy late b'day for Hobi!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

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