Chapter 14: All of My Focus

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This guy was not making it any easier. It was like any attack I'd hit him with wouldn't hurt him. We were evenly matched but even so, he had a bit of the upper hand. My guess, he had an enhancing spell to strengthen his abilities. That's the only logical explanation to why my damn attacks didn't cause damage. However with a few spells I some how managed to hit his side causing at least some injury. But it wasn't enough. He launched at me full force as I did the same releasing magical energy into my hand hoping I could grab him to execute a finishing blow.

I was able to grab a hold of his arm as he dodged the attempt on his head. It didn't matter. I ripped it off his body. He grunted in pain holding his shoulder. I turned to see Josie and my other 2 friends watching from a distance. The look on josies face... I never seen that look before. I didn't know what it meant. Was she... scared.

"Hope watch out" she yelled as a blow hit me hard knocking me into a tree breaking it. All the air forced out of my lungs not able to return. I saw Josie... slowly walking... shaking... she was terrified. But I couldn't move. Electricity was wrapped around her hand as she slowly extended it. I could see her mouthing some words but couldn't understand them. She the lightning strike hit the werewolf. He became paralyzed as Josie quickly stood in front of him. She was fast... how was she so fast... a fire ball began to ignite in her fist as she hit him straight in the gut cause him to fly backwards. The vampire caught him as she slid back by the force. Josie ran to me checking my injuries.

"I'll be taking my leave now." Ida said not bothering to look at us. "I've just realized that the most efficient way to kill the four of you is to leave you to your own devices. You'll do a better job killing yourselves than I ever could" she calmly spoke sending shivers down my spine. Then like the wind they disappeared.

Josie supported me as we both stood up. My body aching all over. I saw it. Her cheek was cut, blood running down. My heart began to almost burst out of my chest. She wiped my face from any dirt and slowly, carefully turned my head searching for injuries. She was more worried about me then her own well being. I wiped the blood of her cheek with my thumb staring at her eyes that held worry.

I couldn't help but look down at her lips. They were full and a bit purple. She was cold but didn't show it. She was still in her combat gear with one sleeve of her shirt cut off while the other was still folding up to her elbow. I could see her breath lingering in the cold air. I wanted to get closer... I wanted to feel them again... to kiss her and prayed it felt like the first time. I took a deep and gently, slowly pulled her towards me; brushing my lips onto her. She initiated the first peck to my lips. It send chill through my body, heating me up. I smiled giving in as I placed another kiss onto her. Just a peck but that's all it took to send another shock all over me. If I felt this much with just a peck to the lips. I could only imagine what it would feel like if I claim her. Body's pressed into each other. I had to get my thoughts away from that.

"Come on... let's keep going" I said taking her warm hand off my face interlocking our fingers. I pulled her with me as we made our way to Penelope and Lizzie.

Relief washed through me. I recognized the fact that I didn't have to protect my friends but the idea of being targeted and putting every one in danger didn't sit well with me. Not at all. Ida and Ares were stronger opponents they had faced. But they were only the tip of the iceberg. More stronger and powerful opponents awaited. This was only the beginning and I felt it in my bones.

I wasn't stupid, and there was too much history between my family and the hierarchy to think other nobles would go easy on us, doing anything for revenge for all the pressure my father had put the hierarchy to enforce the rules of the supernatural world.

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