Chapter 10: In Deafening Screams

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Walking away was easier said then done. My legs kept moving but my body wanted to so desperately to turn around. I couldn't. Not now anyways. The only thing that was suppose to be on my mind was making sure I was ready for midnight. Most of these students aren't that stupid. Some already knew what was on the line and was preparing themselves. Others lived in the moment and enjoying the last day they might have left on earth. Either way, it didn't matter to me.

As I open the room to my door I saw the lit candle. It was the only light source yet it was enough to light up the entire room. I began to remove myself from my uniform and change into my combat gear. I wanted to say I was a nervous reck but in reality I was excited. I couldn't wait to get out there and fight strong opponents.

The last key ítems I grabbed were belongings that Lizzie and Penelope gave me in order to find them. I had lizzies butterfly broach and one of Penelope favorite pens. I put them in my leg pouch sealing them tight. I looked up at the clock and I could count down the seconds. 5...4...3...2... I took a deep breath shutting my eyes and the last second hit 12. My body felt tingly like little shockwaves coursing though my body.

It was like slamming face-first onto a bed of shale. The cold was solid stone, sending shockwaves through my body, forcing the air from my lungs. What made this much worse was landing in ice cold water. My body was growing numb by the second as the wind whistle loudly in my ear. I felt something pulling me down further but it was just my leg stuck in something. I juggled it around trying to break free. Beneath the depths of the currents, streams of bubbles escaped where the air worked free of my jacket. I was sinking deeper, and the current seized me, pulling me towards the dagger rocks of the shore.

Luckily my arms and legs snapped into action, pushing and clawing at the water in an attempt to free myself from the lakes grip. My head and shoulder cracked against a jagged, black wall, and torrents of teeth grinding pain replaced the shock of the cold. Warm, inky plums of my own blood stained the water, further obstructing my already unsteady vision. My ears rang with a deafening drone, and I fought for consciousness. Finally I was able to grab onto a floating broken tree climbing with all my strength to get on top.

As I laid resting I looked up at the dark sky. I couldn't see anything as the grey clouds covered only source of my comforting light. Snowflake began to dance its way down elegantly as a snow storm was vastly approaching. I got up once more balancing on the tree and jumped onto land.

Once I was safe I knew I had to regain my strength. I sat up against the tree as I casted a spell to dry myself off letting my body heal on its own. Of fucken course I land on the worst place ever. I mentally cursed at myself. I knew it was going to be bad. I knew students were going to come after to me no matter what but I didn't expect to be targeted by location. I took a deep breath and opened my grimoire turning to a few pages. The words lit up making it easier to read. Partem. I cast a spell to show direction towards the finish line. A map began a to draw its self showing my location as well as the finish line. I angrily hit my fist on the tree at the fact that I was 35 miles away from the castle.

I touched the dry crumbled pages rubbing my thumb onto my placement. How are you holding up Josie. I'm sure your night isn't anywhere close to mine... just hang in there. I close my book causing it to disappear as I sat there staring into darkness. I stood up and began to walk northeast.

I froze and sniffed the air. I smell blood and lots of it. I began to run as the sudden thought of the first kill began to run rapid in my head. It annoyed me I couldn't shift into my wolf form without having to rip my clothes to shreds. I suddenly stopped when I heard voices coming from a few feet in front of me. The massive blood scent makes me think vampires are having a Keg stand party.

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