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Dinner was served at exactly seven that night. There was no intercom or alarm system in the camp, but there were cowbells. Apparently, that was a universal call for food, because once the first bell rang, others echoed back, spreading the noise through the cabins and trails, all the way down to the lake.

It was easy to find the action- two hundred kids gathered around a raging bonfire to eat wasn't exactly subtle. Ruby slowed down when she arrived at the scene, watching as a few of the older kids throw more logs into the fire.

The kids had set up a table of kitchen utilities and were making runs between the office building and the fire to replenish them. Dozens of kids waited in line for their turn at the pots, their plastic bowls pressed against their chests in anticipation.

Liam and I stood in a small area that didn't seem occupied. Liam held a bowl of chili while I held one in each hand. Chubs walked past us and Liam nudged him, making him stop. He whispered something as I laughed at his question. Ruby made her way towards us, as she can hear Chubs respond.

"Uh, no thanks. I read Lord of the Flies. I know how this works- everyone starts dancing around the fire and painting their faces and worshipping a decapitated pig head and then someone gets hit by a boulder and plummets to their death- and, surprise, it's the fat kid with glasses." Liam started laughing as I chuckled at his response, but Chubs looked uncomfortable. "I think I'm going to play it safe and go read- and, hey, there's Ruby! You three can enjoy the degeneration of human decency without me."

Liam and I turned around to see her walking towards us. Chubs whirled around and walked away.

"You okay?" Liam asked me after Chubs left. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm just... really not used to being around so many people," I said just as Ruby walked towards us. I smiled and handed her a bowl of chili.

"What's gotten into him?" Liam asked.

"I think he's just tired," Ruby said, before asking, "Where's Zu?"

Liam nodded his head to the left, where Zu's smiling face appeared at the center of a small group of girls and boys her age. When she saw Ruby, she waved. The Asian girl next to her nodded as Zu gestured to her as if knowing her every thought without having to whisper a word. When Zu reached over to knock back the hood of the girl's sweatshirt, she revealed a long, glossy black braid.

"Oh, my God," She whispered, making the connection between the two.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"The kid was in Caledonia. I saw her in Zu's nightmare. They got separated."

I widened my eyes in realization, before slapping my forehead. "Of course. How can we miss this? They tackled one another to the ground earlier."

She laughed. "They did?"

"Yeah, they were rolling around like puppies in the grass," I confirmed before calling out, "Hey, Zu!" She looked our way again. "Come here a sec, sweetie. No, bring your friend-"

When the two girls were on their feet, Ruby was surprised to see the other girl stood a good four inches above Zu's head, though she looked like she couldn't have been more than a year older than her.

Zu took the girl's hand and flounced over to them, grinning.

"Hi there," Liam said, holding his hand out to the girl. "My name is Liam, and this is-"

"I know who you are," the girl interrupted. "Liam and Lily, and Ruby." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Suzume told me all about you."

"Told you- told you, or..." I was interrupted.

"Of course she didn't tell me," the girl huffed, earning a sharp elbow to her side. She turned to say something to Zu in Japanese, who, in turn, shook her head and reached up to tug the girl's braid.

"Okay, fine!" The tall girl turned back to us, flanked by the campfire. "I'm Hina. Suzume is my cousin."

"Oh, wow!" Ruby said, looking at Zu. "Are you serious? That's amazing!"

She was bouncing on her toes, still smiling.

"And you were at Caledonia together," I said, slowly. "Zu, why didn't you mention it? We could have tried to track her down."

"Are you a Yellow, too?" Liam asked.

"I'm a Green," Hina said, pointing to her full head of hair. "Duh."

Liam gave her a shocked look. Zu gave us an apologetic shrug before tugging her cousin away, back to the circle of younger kids who were engrossed in some kind of card game. I raised an amused brow as Liam turned to Ruby and me with a look of pure amazement. "Did I just get sassed by a twelve-year-old?"

"I guess it runs in the family," I said, spinning my spoon around in the bowl of chili. This type of food could never compare with the food at camp. This was way better and edible. I was delighted by the fact that I can get more.

Ruby had stood up and went to get more food. I slid off the log so I was sitting on the ground, reclining against Liam's legs.

"That reminds me..." Liam said. "Would you believe Zu actually started jumping up and down and clapping when I told her she had to get up at seven to go do some good ol'-fashioned book learnin' with the other Cubbies?"

I let out a small chuckle. "Cubbies?"

"Daily Lessons. School." He tapped my nose with the clean end of his spoon. "C'mon, Lily, you should know some cool-kid lingo by now."

I shook my head with a smile.

When we finished eating, Liam set both of our bowls in one of the many plastic tubs floating by. The Blue controlling the one closest to us was a skinny kid, who looked like he weighed about half at what his tub did. I smiled as I saw him use his abilities so freely.

He slid down behind me, finding enough room between my back and the log. I smiled, leaning back until I was resting against his chest, nestled between his knees.

"You okay now, darlin'?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded.

"I'm okay, hon."

It was quiet after that. Eventually, someone brought out a decades-old boombox, and even the kids with guitars stopped playing.

I nodded my head to the music, listening to the beat. Liam turned to me and smirked.

Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted and being dragged towards Liam. I yelped in surprise as I saw him hauling me in as if he was pulling a rope. When I was standing in front of him, I lightly slapped his shoulder.

"Liam, I don't dance," I told him.

"We don't have to," He responded, "We could just sway."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He then wrapped his arms around my waist, and we swayed. Back and forth, nice and easy.

When the bells rang again, this time signaling lights-out across the camp, there was an audible groan, loud enough to get Liam chuckling.

"Bedtime," he called, waving Zu over. She stood, brushing herself off, signaling something to the group of kids she was leaving. She grabbed Liam and my hand as we walked back to the cabin.

When the light was finally gone, settling down into a pile of unimpressive embers spread out among the ash, Clancy Gray sat on the other side of the pit, watching the spot where I once was.

The Darkest Minds: RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora