My feet shifted over to him, stopping at the bed where I sat. "I'm sorry you got brought into the conversation."

"You're apologizing too damn much lately. If I didn't know this was gonna happen, I wouldn't be here." He put the remote down and looked at me.

I nodded. "Okay, you're right."

"No shit I am." He smirked lightly before looking back up at the TV.

"Okay don't get too cocky." I joked, getting up from the bed. I looked around noticing I had a lot to pack. "Are you gonna help me?"

"I said I'd come not that I was gonna help. Think of it as moral support." He said so nonchalantly. I turned at threw a pillow at him.

"Don't know what I expected from you." I sighed, laughing lightly.

"Only the best."

"Psh. Sure if you wanna call it that, lazy ass."

The bed moved rapidly as his feet could be heard speeding across the ground. His hand made contact with my arm, turning me around and pushing me against the door behind me.

"What'd you call me?" His face was close to mine and his hand was next to my face, caging me in.

"If I call you that again will we stay in this position longer?" My hand reached up to his face tracing it as the black aura from my powers followed behind. "I know that was supposed to be intimidating but it was kinda hot instead."

"You're a dumbass." He pushed himself off of me. "You're the most annoying and weird piece of shit I've ever met, lucky I like you.

"Wanna say that louder?"

"Shut it."

"I'm actually gonna pack now, find some way to make yourself useful." I grabbed a first from the dresser and threw it at him.

It landed on his face.


After hours of packing, progress was made. Most of it being done by sitting at my desk and floating objects into boxes.

"Going to Sen's room real quick," I said to Bakugou as I stood up.

"Don't care."

"Of course you don't," I mumbled as I walked out.

Senya also had been packing on his own. Didn't want any help since he quotes said "I'm strong. Who needs fucking powers to move some shit around." We're about to see if that statement speaks value.

"Hey." I knocked the back of my knuckles on his door. There was one box packed at the corner of his room though, the rest was not even close to packing. "Looks like you got so much done. Great job."

"Like you've done any better." He scoffed, twiddling with a pen that flung around his fingers.

"That's why you should just use your powers," I teased, showing the black aura on my hand.

"Yeah, whatever. I got interrupted midway." He sighed, throwing his shoe on his bed.

"Interrupted?" I questioned. I could feel some tension sourcing from within him. Immediately I could sense the reason.

"Mom came in here... Close the door." I walked into the room closing it behind me. I just knew already she must have tried to tell him some bullshit.

"What did she say? That I'm the devil's reincarnation." My tone was sarcastic along with my facial expressions.

"She's been trying to convince me to say. Says the older I stay by you the longer I'll turn dark also." He explained, messing with a pen in his finger.

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