13. Expiring Date

Start from the beginning

"Yah..." I said rather sadly, I wasn't sad or anything I just felt like a burden. I also couldn't shake of the embarrassment I felt.

"Hey, are you okay" she asked looking at me then back at the road.

"I'm just scared, I mean your parents, what if they don't want me there, I don't want to go back to being homeless or got back to my dads house." I said on the virge of tears.

"Look Gem, I promise you my parents will love you. And I don't break my promises". She said looking at me.

"Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky.

"Pinky promise" she said wrapping her pinky aground mine while smiling.

We carried on talking about random staff. I looked out the window while Adeline was telling me about how today was such a boring day, as my eyes wonder arround the huge forest beside us a figure of a woman emerged from the trees.

She had a smile on her face and was staring at me. She reminded me of the woman I met in the ally...

How? Wierd.

I looked away frightened catching Adelines attention "You okay?"

"Yah I just saw something but it's probably my imagination" I assured her.

It had been 30 minutes and we were still surrounded by trees and more trees.

Adeline took a turn into the forest driving into uneven gravel roads. After 10 minutes there was a clearing and in front of me stood a humongous mansion. "How many people live here". I asked in a daze.

The mansion was cream in colour, it had pillars on the front porch and plant pots on both sides of the door. The house was covered in green vines making it more majestic and homey.

"Lets just say we've got a big family" she says with a sly grin.
She opened the door and grabbed my hand to lead me inside.

The inside was even more beautiful then the outside.

When we walked in, we walked straight into a very large sitting room fulled with blue, black, white, green and more colours but what caught my eye was the large canvous painting of a wolf howling at the moon.

"Your house is beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to stay". I whispered still shocked at how amazing a house could be. It probably took years to build.

"Mom I'm home! Can you please come here for a sec" Adeline called out.

"Ooh hey dear, how was your-" she said entering the living room but stopped when she saw me.

"And who may you be dear". She smiles with kind and beautiful light blue eyes. She looked a bit like Adeline they had the same colour hair but hers was a light red. She looked to be about somewhere in her late thirties.

"Mom this is my friend Gem, mom we need to talk to you but only when dad and Chase-" she said holding my hand but was cut short by Chase entering the house.

"Hey Mom, I see you've met Gem" he said hanging his leather jacket.

"Yes i did but why is she here, not that your friends aren't welcome here but you could have at least warned me." she said looking at me then Adeline then Chase with a pointed glare.

"Thats what we need to talk to you about" Adeline said.

"But mom can she first go freshen up she's been through alot" Adeline added

"Okay...but I'm expecting an explanation" she said walking back to where ever she was.

"Umm thank you Mrs Travis" I whispered not meeting her eye.

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