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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Let Me Love you by Ariana Grande (Slowed)
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:04/4:31⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Let Me Love you by Ariana Grande (Slowed)───────────────⚪────◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:04/4:31⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀

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"Yeah she's hot but half n half is right she wouldn't like any of you losers" Bakugou leaned back against his chair in confidence

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"Yeah she's hot but half n half is right she wouldn't like any of you losers" Bakugou leaned back against his chair in confidence.

"And she would like you" Kaminari sadly said. He felt heart break he thought he had scored a girl for once.

"Yeah she will" Bakugou laughed. His head turning to a black car getting closer to the schools entrance.

"Well then we'll go downstairs and find out" Bakugou and the rest of class one a gathered by the entrance awaiting the arrival of the new student.

Soon enough Aziawa came out waiting with his students.

"Um Aziawa-sensai can you tell us anything about the student before she gets here" Denki inquired with high hopes. Consider what Bakugou told him.

"That's classified information you'll find out when she gets here" Aziawa didn't bother asking how his class already knew the gender of the student, all he knew was that word traveled quickly among teenagers.

Soon enough a black car emerged through the gates of UA. You were inside. A resting b*tch face plastered on.

"So what do you think of U.A?" You had your head down looking at your phone. You quickly hummed in response to your mothers question. You were grumpy. Once you had left the house it started to pour buckets outside. Sadly we all know what that means. Your freshly straightened hair became curly once more, it wasn't fully curly but you were still angry that all that work went to waste in a couple of minutes.

"Oh so you don't like it then" she turned around in her seat as she barked.

"Mama it's fine I don't hate it" You grinned. Today you didn't want to get on your mothers bad side. Especially since she had the ideology that you were a spoilt teenager. Well you were but you weren't b*tchy about it like the others were.

Heads turned as you clambered out of the limo. Jaws dropped when they saw your face, your features and your hair. Immaculate. Strat out of a magazine even.

The epitome of black beauty.

A tall black girl came out the car. Her melanated skin shone in the sunlight giving off the illusion that it was glowing. Her dark hair curled and puffy. But a neat puffy. In her hair was one strand of a golden yellow lock. A white halo sat above her mass of hair, and a pair of see-through white wings with red tips flopped behind her. Her shiny lips. Hoop earrings hung from her pointed ears. Her black painted nails neat and sharp like a set of knifes, she could cut through flesh with them. Pale patches of skin covered her dark complexion. Vitiligo. And a lot of it. That's how they knew who you were.

Y/n Nana Yagi

Walking up to the class you composed your resting b*tch face with a smile. A bright smile, with rows and rows of  sharp white teeth.

"Hello everyone I'm Y/n Yagi it's a pleasure to met you all" You curtsied to the class who were all still a shocked mess. Looking to crowd you saw someone you recognised.

"Zuku, I never knew you were coming to U.A" You turned off your phone as you gasped dramatically. Taking off your sunglasses hair swung. Drama Queen much? Dusky light honey-mocha eyes fluttered open. Those beep golden eyes. They were captivating. The two of your stared at each other for a couple moments.

"Heya Y/n-Chan" Izuku never knew you were coming to U.A but the very fact that it was you changed a lot of things. His glances proved that point.