Chapter 20

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Mrs. Bennet was being attended by her daughters when a servant slipped into the room.

"Not meaning to bother you, ma'am, but a carriage just arrived, and it appears to be Miss Lydia."

"Lydia!" said Mrs. Bennet, sitting straight up. "Has Mr. Bennet been informed?"

Mr. Bennet returned from his search the previous day, with no more answers than he left with.

"No ma'am, I thought to tell you first. Also, there is a young man with her."

The servant glanced at Elizabeth, who had a suspicion who that young man might be.

"Yes, you did well. Mary, go tell your father. Jane and Lizzy, fetch me that dress on the chair over there and help me up."

Her daughters did as they were bidden. Elizabeth's curiosity about what happened was burning her up, but she knew they would receive no peace until her mother was satisfied.

Mrs. Bennet dressed and then flew down the stairs at a dangerous pace for someone who spent the previous days weeping in bed. Lydia was stepping through the door by that time, a serene smile on her face.

"Mama and my sisters! I am a married woman. Is my husband not the most handsome?"

With that, Mr. Wickham followed her through the door. He bowed deeply. "Ladies," he said in a calm voice.

Elizabeth resisted the urge to slap him.

Mrs. Bennet resisted her urge with much less success. "You are married! Married! My Lydia married! Oh, how very fortunate. My two youngest daughters settled so well!" She caught Lydia in an embrace. "I always knew you would never do anything untoward, Lydia, dear! And Mr. Wickham! Welcome to the family!"

Wickham smiled. "My apologies, madam, that you were unable to attend the wedding. We wished for a small affair. I could not wait to make Lydia my wife."

Jane looked at Elizabeth to watch her reaction to this statement. Elizabeth kept her face perfectly still, not wishing to betray what she felt.

By this time, Mr. Bennet came out of his study.

"I see Lydia has returned a married woman," he noted.

"She has! Oh, is it not wonderful?" said Mrs. Bennet.

Mr. Bennet also glanced at Elizabeth, who would not allow herself to meet his eyes.

"Things could be worse. If you will excuse me, I was at my books and I must return. Welcome to the family, Mr. Wickham."

As he shuffled away, Mr. Bennet muttered something under his breath. Only Elizabeth was close enough to hear him. It sounded like, "...and good luck."

"Such a lovely ceremony! My Wickham looked ever so handsome, all dressed in his regimental. It reminded me of why I fell in love with him in the first place."

"And when was that?" Elizabeth maintained her countenance for as long as she could, and could no longer bite her tongue.

"One day I just looked at him and I knew," Lydia said, fluttering her eyelashes at Lizzy. "Do you like my bonnet, Lizzy? It was a present from... oh, but I promised I would not say. Is it not lovely?"

Elizabeth had no interest at all in who purchased a bonnet for Lydia. Deep down, she knew she was relieved to not be required to respond to a marriage proposal from Mr. Wickham. That did not change the fact her pride was injured at being thrown over for her own sister--and Lydia, at that!

"I wish you both much happiness. Now, if you will excuse me, I told Papa I would help him with his books."

Elizabeth hurried off to the study, where she would be safe.

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