Meeting a Fairy.

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The sun was shining on a figure, that was shifting from her deep slumber, Mazoku was put into a slumber that has last 100 years so the earth had time to reproduce from the damage done by the war.

Mazoku had woken up on a hill that was filled with slightly tall grass and flowers that seemed to sprout beautifully, she could feel the grass against her back and the sun on her skin as her eyes opened to stair into the blue sky.

Mazoku sat into an upright position as she observed the colors and habitat she was in. She felt extremely confused as to how she got their until she had realized what had happened to her prior waking up. Mazoku's mood turned grim as she remembered that she would have to wait for an extremely long time to see her mate. To see her family again.

'I-I'm In the middle of no wear' Mazoku eye's had widen as she realized she was near no town, and the scenery did not look familiar.

She stood up with shaky legs and began heading towards the woods Which lied at the top of the hill.

Mazoku sighed finally reaching the woods she saw a bit of smoke Which looked to come from the center of the woods.

She started to run straight to the smoke, hoping to find someone or something.
As she ran up to the smoke she saw a young child who had wings.

Mazoku's Pov

I saw a fairy child in front of the camp fire. The child turned around quickly as my foot had hit a branch  as it broke do to my wait I flinched cause the child had umped what looked to be 3 feel in the air.
My eyes widen at the sudden motion as the kid started to back away from me looking a bit scared. "H-hey now kid don't be scared! I'm not going to hurt you!" I rambled out as I bent down to the kids height.
The kid still looked frightened of me. I sigh and give them my hand as I stand up "My name is Mazoku, It's nice to meet you Fairy"
The kid looked at me a bit wary of my hand but they still took hold of it. "M-My name is Maya" Maya mumbled out holding my hand a bit tighter.

I smiled warmly at her. "Nice to meet you sweetie, But what are you doing out here kiddo?" I ask a bit curiously of her ware about "Well not gonna lie I did get lost..." She tailed off, "That's okay let's get to your parents then, Where was the last place you saw them?" I hum read to help her I pick up the 10 year old looking Fairy and put her only hip.   "They were probably five miles east I think. Near the Fairy Forest!" Maya smiled Excited to get help.

I chuckled and pat the child's head, as I started to head east to the forest. "Okay then kiddo. Hopefully your Mum and Papa are still their!"  I smiled down at Maya, "Thank you so much!" Maya giggled happily, I hummed on response.

Normal pov

As Mazoku and Maya headed to the last now Where about of the young Fairy's parents, Mazoku listened to Maya talk about her family in high spirits.

Maya smiled and pat the young girl's head "You seam to talk about your parents a lot. You sure do like then don't you kid?" Mazoku asked the little girl who seemed to give off a relaxing aura, This made Maya smile wider at the question. 

" Of course I do! They are my family after all, aren't we suppose to Love our family?" Maya questioned the older female whom nodded in thought, "That were suppose to." Mazoku smiled softly at the young child. "Say Mazo-Chan!! Do you have someone you love?" She asked excited to find out more about the demon. 

Mazoku's eyes sadden at the question and she nodded as Mazoku had to stop tear's from welling up in her red vibrant orbs. "Y-Yes I did, and still do. He is someone who mean's absolute everything to me.. I would give anything to see once more." She stated as she watched the clouds pass by her as she walked farther to the east. 

Maya eye's looked up into Mazoku's, "It's okay Nee-Chan I am sure, You mean everything to him as well!!" She said as she patted the elder female's cheek. All of a sudden Maya stopped talking and pointed beyond a forest line that as most recently appeared. Mazoku looked at the young child curiously "Is something wrong kid?" Mazoku asked slightly concern held in her voice for the fairy, Maya nodded and smiled happily once again "I can sense Mama And Papa over there!" Maya yipped happily.

"Well then let's get over their quickly then!" Mazoku whispered as her dark purple wings came from her back they held slight sparkle of red on the feathers. Maya's eyes winded as she had thought the female was a human and not a magical being, but they had also held amazement and awe in them. The older female took off at incredible sped towards the tree line. 

The fairy squealed in delight which made the demon chuckle at her antics. "This is so dang cool!!!!" Maya yelled as they had just breached a Male with red hair and a female with blond hair, they both shared a resemblance to Maya. 

Their eyes widened as well, Maya flew into their arms as Mazoku had halted to a stop. "Mama!! Papa!!" Maya yelled happily as she landed on her mother's chest. Both of her parents looked awe struck at what had just happened. The male whom was named Malachi, spoke first "Who are you?" He had said in a slightly cold tone, Mazoku smirked at the male. "My name is Mazoku it was a pleasure to meet your daughter sir." She chuckled as she saw the little girl wave happily at her.

The Mother of Maya looked down at the young girl. "Don't give us a scare like that young lady!  It's great to see you again but stay with us next time." The Women chastised her, Then the women turned around and bowed to Mazoku "Thank you so much for giving us our daughter back! My name is Elaina"  Elaina stood up properly and introduced herself. 

"No problem. It was a pleasure really!" Mazoku Chuckled lightly as she bent down to Maya's height, "I have to go now. It was amazing to chat with you Maya-chan." She pat the young fairy's head smiling lightly. Maya giggled and nodded  as she smirked playfully, "Make sure to find that guy okay he probably Misses you!!" Maya and Mazoku both giggled like little school girls. 

The parents smiled as they looked at Mazoku fly off into the distance watching her retreating figure disappear. Maya had fallen asleep in her mother's warm hold , it had made the family's day to be reunited after what felt like a long day 


Hey You have made it past chapter 2!!

thanks for reading!


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