Hado: Stop accusing me of something so childish!

(Y/N): You're the one who acts childish! This is an official investigation! We don't need people with no sense of stepping stones to get in our way and-

You both heard loud slurping and slowly turned your heads over and saw Mirio standing there with two large sodas in his hands. He awkwardly finished taking a giant slurp from one as you and Hado just stood there and looked at him with the utmost confusion.

Mirio: Hey gang! What's going on here?!

(Y/N): (Sighs) Hey Togata.

Hado: How has work been for you?

You and Hado both sat down on the couch as Mirio walked over to join you both.

Mirio: Alright. Sir's got us running around and investigating this Yakuza Group. Shie Hassaikai. Sir believes they are making quirk enhancing drugs.

You and Hado's eyes widen and you both look at one another. Hado pouts a little as you launch forward to look at the evidence.

(Y/N): If Nighteye himself has a theory, it's more likely than not fact. So, we know they work with the Hassaikai.

Hado: (Sighs) We need a vacation.

(Y/N): We just now got back to work. We can't.

Mirio: Still working on those Henkan Clan guys?

(Y/N): Yeah. Our agencies are really trying to take them down. Working us to the bone almost.

Mirio: Sorry to hear that. But I'm sure it will be all the more rewarding when you guys take them down! I mean, come on! It's not every day you guys can take out some big crime families.

(Y/N): Fair point I guess. Another big thing though is finding and taking a deeper look at all their businesses. Some are legit, others not so much. It's all a matter of how we do it and how we go about it.

As you were talking, Hado got up and looked over the list of businesses the Henkan's run. As she goes down the list, her eyes light up as she spots one that she believes would be a perfect spot for the two of you.

(Y/N): I-

Asura and Ryukyu: Can't believe it!

You and Hado were standing inside Asura's office. Hado had just proposed the idea she gave to you. The Henkan Clan family resort. A business the family ran so they could get most of their funding legitimately. Or at least that's how it was told to the public.

Ryukyu: So, let me get this straight. You two want to go to this resort and cover as a vacation to better investigate the family and see what could happen here?

(Y/N): She! She wants to go!

Hado: Think about it Ryukyu! If we do this then we can have another front down! Plus, who knows what we could find?

Asura: And (Y/N). Are you agreeing to this plan?

(Y/N): Nejire would drag me into this plan whether I want to or not. So, I don't really have much of a say here.

Asura: Fine then. Ryukyu. A word.

Ryukyu nodded and the two pro heroes walked back and closed the doors behind them as they kicked you out of Asura's office. You turned your head and glared a little at Hado.

(Y/N): What's wrong with you?!

Hado: Whatever do you mean?

(Y/N): Asking to go to a resort?

Hado: It is a business front for them! That much is obvious!

(Y/N): As true as that is, we can't misuse our abilities!

Hado: We aren't! We are using our power to make sure that business does not hold criminality behind it. And if it draws us into no criminal responses at all, then we know for a fact they're not ruling it as a source to gain candidates for test usage of the drug!

(Y/N): Nejire, you can't keep going after that as their main front. They had tech and chemicals to make bombs as well as drugs. All because one member used a quirk enhancer doesn't mean the entire family is behind it.

Hado: It's a probability then!

(Y/N): Probability my-

The doors opened and the two pros stepped out and looked at you both.

Ryukyu: Official business only. No vacation time. Understand!

You slapped your forehead as Hado grinned with joy. The next day you both were on a private jet flying off towards the resort to pose as tourists. You still had an annoyed scowl on your face while Hado mumbled a little tune to herself as she looked out the window. She then turned back and glanced at you and saw how upset you were.

Hado: Please try to relax. I know you don't like the idea of going to vacation spots while on duty, but you need to trust me on this one.

(Y/N): I do trust you. I just think this idea is just dumb.

Hado: Ah, (Y/N). Always focused on the mission. (She leans her head on your shoulder) Means you won't be distracted.

Almost without thinking, you wrapped your arm around Hado. It almost seemed instinctual. Almost like you had done this for months.

(Y/N): So, where are we looking first?

Hado: Staff quarters. See who knows about the criminal history of the family.

(Y/N): Gotcha.

Hado: Oh hey. I just realized something. No one else is here.

You chuckled and glanced down at Hado and saw her smile. You both leaned in and kissed one another on the lips. You cupped one of her cheeks as you did so, enjoying every second of it.

...You were quite the unreliable narrator of your own story uh?

Nejire Hado X Male Reader: Not What They Appear to BeWhere stories live. Discover now