The Top Students

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Minho POV

Being in a top section is not new to me. Since middle school I've always been in Class - A and I enjoyed the recognition I got until now.

"Hey, they already posted the presidential list. Have you seen it?" Jiwon approaches me in the middle of the hallway.

"Not yet, maybe later." I smiled and continue walking towards our class.

Jiwon walked together with me. When we arrived at our class, we flocked to our designated seats. My classmates' bags were already in their seats but they were not there. I'm sure they were all looking at the bulletin board in the lobby.

Bell rang and students rush inside of their rooms. The last three students who entered are my friends.

"Woohoo! Congratulations man!" it's Kimbum.

"Hey, why are you here? You should see your name in the lobby," said Joohyuk as he seated behind me.

"He doesn't have to. Kimbum already congratulates him. Minho knows by now he's on the top again. Well, what's new?" Bohyun patted my left shoulder and proceed to his seat.

After a few minutes of chatting with them, our homeroom teacher came. She beamed at me and smile widely. I know she's proud of having me as her student.

"Good Afternoon. How's your lunch?" she asked the class.

"It's good."
"The new dish in the cafeteria tastes weird Ma'am."
"I didn't eat well, there's a lot of students!"

My classmates gush about their lunch.

"Shhh. Okay enough. Listen to me now." Ma'am straighten her posture and made a strict face. My classmates started to focus.

"The final ranking was already posted in the school's lobby, I'm sure all of you have seen it. Since the final is done, I want to inform you that next week will be your last week for this semester. So, finish all the pending requirements from your other subjects, pass your clearance on the last day before you can finally take your vacation. It is clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!"
"Yehey! I can finally rest!"

"Before I'll leave, I want to congratulate Lee Minho for staying on the top."

Everyone claps their hands and I just smiled. This class is my family. I hope no one falls out in this class.


This week would be our last day in school. I cleared all my requirements and got signed my clearance folder with all of my subjects' teachers.

"Are you heading home?" Jiwon asked as soon as she saw me.

"No, not yet. I'm waiting for my team."

I reached for the nearest bench and sit. Jiwon followed me and did the same.

"By the way, are you done with your clearance?" she asked again, she's trying to talk to me since our first year of college up until now that we are at the end of our second year. She's persistent though. But I will love it if she's persistent like this when it comes to studying, but she's not.

"Yes, I'm done. I've passed it already to our homeroom teacher."

"Geez. You are responsible. Okay, I'll pass this then. Bye." she waves her folder shyly and walks out.

Jiwon is indeed pretty, but looks don't matter for me. It's just I am more attracted to intelligent girls. And I know some smart girls in our school but they look at me as their competitor in their studies. I don't mind though, I'm not into competition with anyone but myself. I want to improve every day for myself that's why I'm striving hard to study. Competing with someone will not help me but be bitter and I don't want that feeling.

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