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11:51 PM


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒 * 13m

My friends were grilling me as to why I seem happy nowadays. They keep on asking if its a girl or what but I'm not feeding them anything.

💬 17 🔁- ❤️-


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 10m

I was kind of feeling that I want to walk to keep my mind from overthinking but I just don't know what came to me and I just found myself right in front of her dorm's doorstep.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 9m

Just before I can even stop myself and snap myself out, I declared my presence and told her to come down for a bit since it's way past her curfew.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 8m

She came down alright, in her oversized white tee, plain pink shorts and bunny slippers.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 7m

She looked... cute.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 6m



Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 5m

Yeah. I admit that she is.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 4m

It's because she's small.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 3m

A little kid.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 3m

And has fluffy cheeks.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 2m

She has a built-in stressball haha.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 1m

I'll tease her about that when the chance comes.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 1m

I fuckin want to squish them but I stopped myself and just messed her hair after I gave her some chocolates. She might get weirded out if I did. After another round of short teasing, I said bye and went back to my condo.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 60s

She looks really cute while chewing it, her cheeks getting fluffier like a hamster.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 40s

Well, more like a rabbit I think because of her teeth?


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 30s

That made her cuter though.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 15s

I now fuckin feel good thinking about tomorrow even if I have a quiz in my major.


Armmo @notmaarthe 🔒* 1s

Weird though, I just saw her and I felt okay.


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