Chapter 4: The Kiss

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Stevie's POV:

George and I stood outside the Great Hall, the rumble from inside the doors was making me dizzy. "They're going to stare."

He laughed a bit and shrugged. "When you're with me- they'll always stare."

"I'm not used to being someone people care much about." I brushed my long hair out of my face, and shifted my weight between my legs.

"Relax- you're just having dinner with me. It's not like you're the first person who's sat at another house table." George put his arm around my shoulder and ushered me into the hall before I had a chance to argue.

The wall of sound hushed slightly at the sight of George and I together. Hearing we were going on a date was one thing, seeing it was another. My eyes immediately trailed over to my normal seat at the Slytherin table. Draco and I made eye contact, and he gave me a small thumbs up in support. I shot him a grateful smile before George quickly guided me over to where his friends and family were sitting.

"Think we have room for another guest?" He laughed, dropping his arm back to his side. I shivered slightly at the loss of his body heat against me.

The chatter at the table silenced, and Fred looked quickly between the two of us. No one spoke a word until Fred broke out into a beaming smile and signaled for Hermione to scoot farther down the table. "As Mum says- there's always room for one more at the dinner table."

George and I quickly sat down, sandwiching me between himself and Hermione. I gave the table a weak hello, and began fidgeting with my hands in my lap.

"Relax love- you look like you're gonna be sick." George whispered in my ear.

"I'll try to miss your shoes. No promises." I joked.

He paused for a moment and studied my face curiously. I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly, but he just shook his head and faced his twin.

"How was everyone's afternoons?" George smirked, helping himself to a scoop of potatoes.

"Probably not as fun as yours from the looks of it." Ron sniggered, before Hermione elbowed him in the ribs.

"Right- Stevie, isn't it? I don't think we've ever actually met. I'm Hermione Granger." Hermione offered me her hand and I shook it gingerly.

"Wow, I wonder why." Ginny grumbled from across the table, her gaze set intensely on me.

"Oh right- course you know Fred. That's Harry- well I'm sure you know him too. And Ron, he's next to Hermione there. Next to Freddie you have Lee, and Katie. On his other side are Angelina and Ginny. And then this is Alicia. And that's- well that's everyone." George smiled, gesturing wildly around the table.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all! George talks very highly of you." I tried to ignore the way they were looking at me. It was a mixture of curiosity and distain, all wrapped into one.

"Don't think you lot did much talking today." Lee chortled.

George cocked his head questioningly before turning to look at me. Suddenly, his eyes went wide, and he pulled my hair to the right side of my neck.

"What're you-" I began, bringing my hand to my throat. 

"You've got an, erm" his face flushed red, drowning out his freckles "you know. On your neck. An uhm-"

Realization washed over me and I felt my cheeks heat up. I could hear a few more of his friends chuckling, each one making me feel more out of my element.

"You know what, I'm not even hungry anyways. I might just call it a night and go back to my dorm." I started standing up, but George grabbed my wrist before I could move.

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