Chapter 13: The Egg

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TW: underage drinking, death

George's POV

Fred and I had Harry hoisted on our shoulders, the crowd of excited students buzzing and cheering around us.

"Do you want me to open it?" He asked, opening his arms wide, the golden egg swaying in his palm.

We all screamed in response, Fred and I teasingly tipping Harry from side to side. With the grandeur of a seasoned celebrity, Harry lifted the egg up high, and carefully twisted the the knob on top, allowing the golden sides to drop down. An ear piercing screech echoed around the room, instantly causing us to all clamp our hands over our ears.

Harry tumbled to the floor, Fred and I having dropped him in our race to block out the noise, causing the egg to roll out of his grasp. Once he managed to crawl towards it, he slammed the egg shut, the silence that followed was almost as deafening as the scream itself.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Ron wondered, his eyes wide.

"No idea, but for all of our sakes-" I started.

"Never open that thing again." Fred finished.

Mostly disappointed, the crowd around us dispersed, everyone situating themselves into their own corners with drinks in hand. I reached a hand out and pulled Harry off the floor, patting his shoulder, and leaving him in the center of the room. I made my way over to the drinks table, filling my cup with whatever random alcohol we managed to scrap together into the punch bowl.

I joined my friends in their usual corner, where they were laughing at some joke that Lee had made. I entered their circle with a nod, and Angelina turned to me.

"No date tonight?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Stevie didn't feel like partying. After everything that happened today, she wanted to just go to bed. Can't say I blame her."

Angelina nodded empathetically, and took a sip out of her cup. "Hopefully she doesn't open her egg in the common room. Can't imagine the Slytherins would love that."

I laughed, and tried to focus in on the conversation the rest of the group was having. Freddie had just joined us, and he and Lee were taking the mickey out of Wood for planning to introduce Katie to his parents this weekend. Normally I'd jump at the chance to join in, but my heart wasn't in it. I threw back the rest of my cup, emptying it in seconds.

"Anyone need a refill?" I asked, shaking my empty cup.

"Oh! I'll come with!" Angelina beamed, getting up from the arm of Alicia's chair and heading towards the table.

Fred and I made eye contact, and he raised an eyebrow at me, questioningly. I shrugged in response, and followed the girl. Once we were at the bowl, I refilled her cup first, before tending to mine.

"Does Fred-" Angelina inhaled sharply through her nose. "Never mind. It probably doesn't even matter."

"No- Angie. What did you want to know?" I had a feeling I already knew, but I wanted to let her get whatever she needed to off her chest.

"Just-I can't read him. You... keep your emotions at bay when needed, but one look at your eyes lighting up when Stevie walks into the room is enough to make any girl swoon." She sighed, placing her cup down on the table before continuing. "I know we've done this back and forth flirting for years now, and maybe that's just the way our friendship is. I just wonder if there's ever going to be anything more, ya know?"

I nodded at her, frowning slightly at the poorly disguised pain in her voice. "Listen- Freddie's a good guy, but he's also very stubborn. I don't think that the idea of you fancying him has occurred to him just yet. I've tried to push him but..."

Switched- Fred and GeorgeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum