Calling Eda mom!

She is like a mother figure to me. She was so protective of me over these weeks.

She barely wanted me to go to the beach with Willow and Gus because it was 'too dangerous'.

The beach...

That was fun.

We all hung out and laughed.

Amity and her friends were even there. Even if Boscha doesn't like me, she still joined. It was nice of her.

Me and Amity hung out a lot that day.

It almost made me see her in a different light.

Of course I wanted to be her friend! But that day showed me that she was more then she put off to be.

Now I am determined to befriend her!

She's kinder then what she shows.

She always has a blank face.

But when we were there she was smiling and having fun. And when I was cold she would try to get me warm again.

I thought that was really sweet of her.

Bolling Isles water is so much colder then the lakes we have on Earth.

I guess the water's not as boiling like the Boiling Isles is.

I took off my hoodie and put on my track shirt and cowl.

If she's not as bad as I thought she was, then why dose she act that bad when were near other people?

I slipped on my track pants and skirt thing, while throwing my shorts on the dirty laundry pile.

I wasn't scared to just be me infront of everybody, so why did she seem so blocked off.

Then again, not everybody is the same. Everybody has their own fears.

Maybe this one was hers.

I brushed my fingers through my hair to fix it a little before I heard a knock from downstairs.

Pushing my thoughts aside I ran downstairs, slightly hopping from trying to put my shoes on while running.

"And then I said, 'hey! Get back here' and I ate him! And now were best friends hoot hoot!"

I sprinted across the living room, tripping on my feet a bit.

The door was opened and there stood a very unnerved Willow and Gus, while Hooty told them stories about... I actually don't know.

"Hey guys! Ready to go?"

"Yes... Let's please Leave." Willow looked freaked out by hooty.

She had met him before, but that doesn't stop him from being at least a little creepy.

I walked out the door with my two friends as we made our way out the forest.

"So, going to the beach was fun!" Gus tryed engaging in a simple conversation.

"Yeah, it really was! I was quite suprised Boscha and her gang joined us. I thought she hated out guts." Willow shrugged a little.

"She sure acts like she does!" I giggled.

Maybe Boscha would be nicer to us now.

She looked like she had a fun time, so maybe I could take it as an opportunity to try and befriend her.

I felt a buzz come from my pocket before I pulled out my phone.

'How's camp carino?'

My mother had texted me. I almost forgot that I was in a demon realm.

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