Pom Poms

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I'm scared for my life right now....

Not once in my color guard existence did I think that I would use pom poms but it's happening and I'm not looking forward to it.

So footballs games are coming soon and my guard has been preparing by just doing stand dances and perfecting them and pre game, pre game as in when we march on for the national anthem before the game...

oh my god I'm excited.


My captain bought us pom poms... and expects us to use them, I don't really want to because not only is the cheerleaders 10 yards away but I'm too self conscious to even hold one, I don't even really know how to explain what I'm feeling.


What I really planned on talking about in this chapter is the weird hate color guard kind of has for cheerleaders... or is it just mine? I'm not sure... I've never truly understood it besides for the fact that cheerleaders are a lot more well known than color guard...

That's the only thing that truly kind of gets on my nerves because I've heard color guard called wanna be cheerleaders and with color guard a lot less well known it leaves it hard for me to explain what we are... I really almost called color guard pole dancers once trying to explain to someone... not that this is cheerleaders fault but I can understand where the jealousy would come from.

Another thing that I think is a bit annoying is the fact that cheerleaders are a lot more funded by the school along with the football team, I'm pretty sure my band fends for itself in raising money to sustain the things we need like uniforms, costumes, props, etc.

An example is the event last year that occurred, I remember half of the band wasn't able to go to a certain game because the gas would be too much to pay for since the game was so far away and we would have had to fill three buses. So instead if I remember correctly I think my band director randomly picked people to go to the game filling only one bus.

I wasn't picked at first but I really wanted to go because I forgot to mention this was actually the last football game of the season. In the end one of my fellow color guard members had something come up and she couldn't go so I took her place.

So the Friday of the game we all filled the bus and dun dun dun...

There were too many band and color guard people filling up the bus...

Some kids had to ride in the band directors truck but still in some seats there were people hanging off. I felt horrible because a Tuba guy beside me was hanging off our seat for the 2 hours up there.

The full 2 hours up there...

On the way there a friend of mine showed me a snapchat story of a cheerleader she knew and it turns out the school had rented a fancy bus for the them with reclining seats, a bathroom and all.

The best part being that not even half of their bus was full.

While the band was basically squashed together in one bus.

Maybe I'm being ignorant I may not know the full situation but what the actual hell? the treatment... respectfully call me out if I'm being stupid here.

This is kind of off topic from this whole chapter but can we also talk about how everyone thinks band is full of geeks?

Which is true but I hate how we're often talked down to... like why?

Are they mad most band members are close to a 4.0 gpa and successful lives? Or are they stereotypical people who just dislike band people for no reason because they think we're weird and nerds?

Probably the last one which is saddening; but it's whatever, we can't let people and their opinions keep us from doing stuff that we love...

People with weak auras will call things they haven't even tried and people they haven't even met stupid or cringey, while people with strong auras will allow people to do what they want without judging.

I read that somewhere...

Anyway that's the end of this chapter. Finishing this it feels like I was kind of all over the place, sorry.

Have a good day :)


Extra note: I just realized this story has ranked 13 in marching band and-


This isn't a huge accomplishment but wow. I'm happy that people are actually taking the time to read me spewing random shit that takes up 90% of this story. Thank you for reading...

Relatable Color Guard/Band things. (Mostly Colorguard)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin