Chapter 13: facing the darkness

Start from the beginning

I said as I  looked around as I touched the wall hoping to probably find a switch opening a door or something. As I was feeling the wall for anything my instincts kicked in as I felt something is wrong.

Noire having a terrible gut feeling dragged me from behind at the last moment along with Soejammy as after a brief moment I was nearly a goner.

The wall had altered its appearance as  we saw what looked like a large mouth with huge razor sharp teeth looking like kitchen knives which nearly bite me.

Me: what the heck is that?!!

Neptune: Dark souls bonus that's what.

Soejammy just looked at her but decided not to say anything at the moment.

The creepy large mouth extended to the door as we all realized it could swallow and chew down anything in the room.

Noire: eating wall checked.

Me: *gets up after being dragged backwards* alright let's  move on...

We quickly shut  the door leaving immediately as we continued walking down the hall.

Turning right we see a side of the mansion we haven't explored yet.

Noire: This is new

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Noire: This is new.

Soejammy: yup

Soejammy climbs first with his weapon as I followed after. Being alert with each step I take with Neptune, Noire,Vert and Shiro following after.

We encountered a few rooms as we check one by one, nothing strange in sight as we continued our search. We moved to the opposite hall as we checked the other rooms.

Neptune: *walking as she thought she noticed something* hm?..

There was nothing there as she followed with the others. A dark shadow crept upstairs going to a nearby room few minutes later.

Me: *opens a door seeing an empty room with a bed and drawer* hm nothing here.

Soejammy: *checks another room* nothing here either

Shiro: shouldn't we double check the rooms again? What if there's clues or a secret passage.

Noire: hm you could be right.

Soejammy: we can check again after going through these rooms.

Me: Or  we can just split up shortly and come back.

Noire: hm yeah.

Me: I'll go there to check,Shiro mind coming with me?

Shiro: sure.

The two of us went to check the other rooms. Opening the door, we looked around the beds and drawers. While in the middle of search a shadow appeared infront of the door. None of us noticing.
Busy searching through drawers I found a key.

Me: oh a key.

There was a label on it, that said 'R5'
Remembering earlier there was a door ahead numbered R5.

Me: I found a key,  at least we have something useful now.

Shiro: oh that's good.

Me: ok let's show the oth- *notices the shadow around the door*

Shiro: hm? *notices what I'm looking at as she gets frightened*


Soejammy was at the far end with the others in a room. At least there was light around making sight easier.

Neptune was sitting on the bed with Noire and Vert next to her. The four were waiting for Shiro and me to return after searching the room. A faint scream was heard from the distance catching the attention of the four as they rushed out to see what was wrong. Soejammy ran to where the noise was heard. As soon as he got there he met us with frightened faces but nothing was there as he wondered what happened.

Soejammy looked around as Shiro and I  approached them and told them to leave and run. While running I told the others about the key I found as the room was up ahead. We approached the door I unlocked and opened it as we went inside.

The room was filled with nothing but bookshelves at each side and in front.

Noire: hm

Neptune: *looking out the door* what was after you two?

Me: it looked like some shadow creature

Noire: Staying here won't help we're basically trapped if it gets here.

Soejammy:  And this rooms filled with nothing but book shelves

Shiro: This a dead-end quick let's get-

There were footsteps heard moving slowly from the hallway as the lights in the room flickered. All of us remained silent watching, as it got closer a figure appeared on the glass design of the door. within a few seconds, a creepy face just planted itself onto the glass looking at us. The door was locked as we were indeed trapped in the room.

Neptune leaned back against the shelves until she felt something turn and before she knew it she screamed sliding down something catching the attention of the others.

Noire: Neptune!

Soejammy quickly  checked discovering its actually a secret route as he gestured us all to get in.

The creature made strange  loud noises as it banged the door to try and break in.

Soejammy: quick!

I went in along with Noire,Vert and Shiro. Soejammy went in last as he slide down the path which lead us all to some kind of basement.

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