I noticed William out the corner of my eye, slightly nodding, yet also shaking his head. He, too, didn't know how to respond to my question. Luis was stumbling over a way to avoid my question, but William answered for him. "Look, if we say anything, Luciano will kill us-"

"-but not before chopping off our dicks and water-boarding us," Luis added with a smile.


My stomach dropped. I felt the blood leaving my extremities, my feet and fingers slowly growing cold. "L-Luciano?" I stuttered, looking up at them, "You mean the man that practically runs the Mafia?"

"-He doesn't run it, per say," William chuckled; I saw him think for a second, choosing his words wisely. I waited for him to speak again, but he closes his mouth and refuses to say anything else.

I continued, "-you mean that-" I pointed out the door, as if he were standing right there, "-the-"

"The man you hacked on?" Luis added, smiling. William was nodding at this point. "Yeah, that was Liam Luciano."

I groaned, very, very loudly. Suddenly I felt nauseous and my head felt light. He was more famously known as one of the top three families in the Mafia; known mostly for killing anyone and anything that got in his way. I was educated thanks to my father. He had always been interested in mafia dealings – keeping articles, pictures, anything he could find on the criminal underworld. Every day people lived their lives, not aware that the mafia was still around. Law enforcement let them be; knowing if they got in the way, they would be killed to.

My head dropped to the pillow; all I wanted was for this bed to swallow me up – drop me into an abyss – and allow me to land safe and sound in my beautiful Maryland home. Again, I sighed and spoke, talking to myself, "I spit on the multi-millionaire--"

"-billionaire. Multi-billionaire."

William and Luis' heads whipped around; not out of fright or intimidation, but in acknowledgment. I sat up and pushed my back against the headboard. Luciano had a voice that could turn heads.

The two oak doors that had once been cracked now banged themselves against the wall – the force of whatever pushed them open causing their loud reaction. Luciano stood under the doorway, his hands shoved deep into the pocket of his dress pants. He wore a grey Armani suit with a navy blue tie; a white dressed shirt tucked neatly beneath his suit jacket; he was dangerously handsome.

His dark hair was tousled to perfection; some would consider it the perfect 'bed hair', whereas I had a feeling he wore it that way for a reason. His jaw appeared to stay clenched, only defining his facial features even more. His five-o'clock shadow served him well, giving him more of a mature look; one I wouldn't be surprised he was going for. Yet, I don't think he needed one for intimidation; his behavior and the way he simply carried himself seemed to intimidate people enough.

Luciano strode towards the end of the bed, stopping a few feet away. I noticed movement behind him, and another man walked in. He was taller than William, Luis, and Luciano; but he didn't scare me. His hair was black, his skin color matching Liam's to the tee, and if my eyes weren't deceiving me, they looked slightly similar.

"I sent you both up here almost an hour ago," Luciano stated, cutting to the chase. That's when I noticed that he was the only one with a suit on. William wore a plain white t-shirt and ripped jeans. Luis had on almost the same thing, except a white hoodie, and black jeans. The new, Italian looking man behind Luciano had on a pair of red jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt; tucked between his arm and his torso, I noticed an iPad.

Luciano | Book I ✓Where stories live. Discover now