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Start from the beginning


Following the first task, Cedric decided to hold a party on the upcoming Friday, which happened to be the pairs two year anniversary date.

"Are you kidding me, Cedric? I'm so done with this shit, I wait around for you every single day! Do you even care about me? I don't give a damn what you have to say, I can't believe you!" She confronted him at the Hufflepuff table, causing a scene at breakfast. No one ever expected THE Cedric and Lyra to argue...

"Lyra, calm down."

"CALM DOWN?!" She shrieked, snatching the daily prophet from his hand and smacking him with it, "Ever since this fucking tournament, I've become worthless to you! Fuck you..."

Everyone in the great hall was silent, thankfully the teachers were not present. She took another look at Cedric, who was glowing red, before storming out of the hall. How dare he?

She didn't speak to him at all for the rest of the week. But she knew one thing for sure, she was going to that god damn party, but not for him, for her. She was invited to attend with Ron, Harry and Hermione, three of her closest friends. Cedric wasn't expecting her to come, no one was especially after experiencing the argument.

Lyra ensured she looked her best, before sneaking down to the Room of Requirement. It was your bog standard party, the same as every other one she'd had to attend. Being the 'social superior' couple sometimes became unvarying. She didn't drink that night, not that it would've changed anything.

"So, Lyra. Do you love Cedric?" Pansy Parkinson interrogated. She was always one to stir the pot. "No, I thought I did. We have to work on some issues, but then I could see myself loving him."
Pansy's eyes went wide, as did the other girls around them. "You don't love him? My life is a lie!" Yes, Pansy. Because Godrik forbid they weren't perfect, she thought.

"Have you two broken up?" A hufflepuff asked. The Weasley twins and the golden trio had now joined the conversation. "Not that I'm aware of, no?" A few of the girls lost eye contact with her, something was up. Pansy giggled into her cup.

"What?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but maybe you're a little... unclear with Cedric."

Lyra turned to the twins and Ron, who looked equally as confused. Ron shrugged, taking another sip of alcohol. Lyra stood, brushing down her dress. She weaved through the crowd, and suddenly everybody began to notice her presence. No sign of Cedric, that was odd, usually she'd just follow the crowd. It wasn't exactly difficult to trace Cedric Diggory, even in the largest of scenes.

Perhaps he's in his dorm.

Bottom floor, past the kitchens, tapping the barrel to the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', first door on the right, second dorm to the left. She knocked thrice on the pine. No answer. "Alohamora" She muttered under her breath. Her jaw hit the floor, lost for words at the sight she descried. Cho and Cedric jumped off one another, covering themselves with the ripped, yellow curtains around the bed frame.

"Oh, no. Don't let me ruin the fucking fun."

Do not cry. Do not cry. Do not cry.

She fumbled in her clutch bag, rummaging around until she picked up a condom, launching it with such force it scraped and sliced across Cho's face.

She took one last look at Cedric, before slamming the door and bursting into the Hufflepuff common room. She had to get out, there was no way she'd be returning to the party. Was she upset? Was it truly her fault for being so unclear?


The vibe in lessons was intolerable. Did everybody know? Because it certainly felt like it. Lessons where she'd sat beside Cedric, she spent with the twins. People went from admiring to despising her.
None of her friends discussed what had happened, it was better that way. Cho had spread the rumour that Lyra had sent a hex towards her, leaving the cut along her face for proof.

"She's mental, telling ya. Assaulted me" Cho pointed to the slight cut, "Luckily I got out the way." She informed Angelina at breakfast.

"She's looney. Looney Lovegood!"

The name stuck.

The rest of the year worsened, being referred to as Looney Lovegood wasn't pleasant, especially when it began to rub off on Luna. At the yule ball, Lyra was convinced Blaise Zabini could be her change-around, turns out he used her too.

The second task was almost unbearable, but she went for Harry. Cedric rescued Cho from the black lake, some evil part of her hoped he didn't.

The Weasleys welcomed her more than ever, she was immensely grateful for that.

The third task.

The night everything changed.

Her legs went numb, limply rushing to the front, before collapsing onto the floor beside Cedric's body. She wailed, running her hand down his soft cheek, tears falling and sinking into the yellow fabric of his shirt. "No,no,no,no...Cedric?Cedric!"

He had to be alive, there was no way he was gone.

For Cedric Diggory could not be dead.

Mcgonagall shook her shoulders, pulling her back up and into an embrace, as Lyra sobbed into her robe. Cedric's eyes where lifeless, his usually flourished cheeks were drained, cold, grey.

Amos Diggory's pained howls echoed around the arena. Dumbledore ushered away students, while Mcgonagall's arms were still wrapped firmly around Lyra. She ululated, her chest tight and body benumbed.

Cedric Diggory was dead.

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