Final Trailer

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There was a red planet out in space, it was Earth X, the red atmosphere visible from space...

"They shouldn't salute me anymore... Not since I disappeared when they needed me most," Barry told Kara.

A door opened and they headed out into a balcony, on the ground thousands of soldiers were in line and saluting Kara and Barry.

"It doesn't matter to them, for them, it's a sign of respect... All of them knew what you went through, day after day... Battle after battle..." Kara grabbed his hand, Barry nodded.

"Loyalty means everything to a National Socialist.


"Are you certain that I am worthy of this title?" Caitlin asked Blitzkrieg as he pulled off his cowl.

"I believe in you Caitlin, you were born for this, Killer Frost was born for this," Blitzkrieg told him and handed her a Crusher Cap. 

Caitlin nodded and closed her eyes, her hair turned white and her eyes turned to a dull, winter grey color. Her lips turned blue.

"Are you ready for your new assignment... Agent Eiszapfen?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, General Blitzkrieg," Killer Frost smiled and saluted him.


"The resistance has never been stronger," Homelander told Overman, who was standing across from him. Overman grimaced and balled his fists.


"Soon, this Earth will be remade," Overgirl told Ray and Alex after they barged into the throne room. Blitzkrieg stood on guard to protect his leader, his love.

"Every choice you have made... Has led you to this... Moment," Kara told Alex, who held up a Kryptonite sword, Barry charged Alex as Kara engaged the Ray, blasting him with her heat vision. 


"As I said, I have located Overigirl, and if we move swiftly we can capture her and her other high officials," Alex told general Winn Schott.

"Very well then... Good luck Agent Danvers."

Alex was holding onto a helicopter as it spun out of control. National City was in tatters, soldiers battling in the streets. A red streak of lightning knocked down dozens of resistance soldiers.

Alex jumped off the helicopter and landed on a platform in the sky, the helicopter blew up behind her as she faced off against Laurel Lance who turned on her mask and prepared to fight her.


Overgirl was seen on the throne, Blitzkrieg standing next to her.

"You are strong and wise Barry, and I am so honored to be your lover, I loved you since you were a little boy, we taught each other everything that we know, you have become a far greater person than I could ever hope to be," Kara told Barry, cupped his cheeks, Barry smiled and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"I love you more than anything Kara Zor-El."


"What must I do Mein Führer?" Blitzkrieg asked John Smith.

"You have to train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

Blitzkrieg looked down and nodded.


Ray was seen fighting Overgirl, Overman is seen trading punches with the Homelander.

"You little Nazi shit," Homelander growled as he clobbered Overman with a piece of concrete.

"You're just a cheap knock-off, you can't even hold a candle to my cousin," Overman taunted as he wiped the blood from his lip. 

Homelander's eyes lit up and so did Overman's, they fired their heat vision at each other...


"They don't trust you... They see your future and know your power can be too strong to control," Homelander told Overman, who had a look of doubt.


"It's all Kara's fault! She's jealous!" Overman yelled at Blitzkrieg.

"She's not Kal, she loves you like a brother, she would die for you and you know that."

Overman huffed and stomped out of the room.


"The time of the Reich has passed!" Homelander growled to Overman as he was in a torture chair.

Overman then screamed in pain as he was electrocuted in the torture chair. Homelander chuckled.

"They cannot defeat the resistance."

Kara knelt down in front of Blitzkrieg, who was on the floor and in pain. She had tears in her eyes as she kissed him.

There was a bridge in the middle of a river, thousands of soldiers fired and charged at each other.


There was a huge building in the middle of an old ocean, that was now a dry wasteland. The building was supported by 4 huge beams as there was a huge ring-like structure in the middle that glowed blue. Overgirl pressed a button, a blue beam fired into the sky.

"Behold! The age of the Reichman!" Overgirl shouted proudly. Wonder Woman gasped as she looked up from the spot where she was tied up from.

"No," She murmured.


"Everything is about to change," Overman said as he stared out the window, Overgirl looked sad.

"We need you Kal, we need your help to stop the Resistance before it's too late!" Kara shouted.

"TOO LATE? For what?! The Reichman to fall! It already has and you just can't see it!" Kal turned around, his eyes burning red.

"There is no justice! No law, no order except for the new one that will replace it!" Kal yelled.


Ray was on his knees, he was tired... Tired of fighting, Agent Dark landed on the ground she pressed her boot down on Ray's head, driving him to the ground.

"Bow... Before the Reichman," Agent Dark told him.


Blitzkrieg was standing in a war room, he was alone... Admiring the chart of space, the route that led to Krypton... What was left of it... Overgirl walked into the room, she put her tiara down and shrugged off her cape.

"You know you're not all-powerful," Kara growled and pointed at him, Blitzkrieg turned around and faced her... He was furious that he had to bow down to his wife... His OWN wife.

"Well, someday I will be! I will be the most... Powerful being ever! I promise you!" He snarled. 


"You don't know what you're doing!" Homelander yelled, he was a bloody mess as his clothes were covered in blood, he was restrained. He saw a bright blue light come from the sky, Blitzkrieg smiled evilly behind his mask as he was in charge of watching over Homelander. 

"WE'RE ALL GOING TO BURN!" Homelander shouted as he struggled from his restraints.

"WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Homelander yelled.


Notes: Eiszapfen means "Icicle" in German. So that means that Killer Frost is Agent Icicle.

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