Chapter 2 || Hidden Talent

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You and Revali were just doing small talk until you suddenly blurted a question out of no where. "Revali, what is your favourite talent?" you looked at him with your curious (e/c) eyes, swinging your legs back and forth on the edge of the landing. He stayed silent before getting up and dragging you behind him.

'Did I upset him?' You thought until you saw him walking into a small room and grabbing a bow, which was like twice his size, and three small arrows. As you were left in confusion, he stared at you and walked back out towards the landing. He stopped and stood on the edge of the landing, aiming at the rock in the center of the large lake Rito Village was built above. He then suddenly began shooting all of the arrows at once, all of them in sync and hitting the targets placed on the rock.

"Wow! That certainly is a special talent!" you skipped over to him, almost getting too close.

"Yeah! My uh... mother placed the targets there just for me to train on how to use a bow and arrow." He smiled with pride and went to put the bow before getting blocked by a tall, navy blue male rito with a large feather sitting on top of his head. Revali gulped a little before looking towards your direction and back to the rito.

"Revali, what in the name of Hylia are you even doing?" The rito spoke with a deep voice. You guessed it was his father, a very strict one to be exact. "I am guessing that you think you'll be able use a bow and arrow in the future, correct? Yet you are also wasting your time on a Hylian." Revali looked down at his small clawed feet as his father snatched the bow away from his grip and flew down into the snowy area near the village, taking the bow with him. You walked towards him and tapped his shoulder.

"It's ok Revali! I believe you will most certainly become the best archer of all your people.. Well.. Rito!" You looked at him as the sides of his beak rose up after hearing your caring words. You couldn't help but smile after seeing that you cheered him up. It went silent for a bit until a memory suddenly sparked in your head.

"Oh I just remembered! My mother is always talking about how much she loves Salmon meunière and I've always wanted to try it for myself! I also know where you can get the salmon for free!" You took your small hand into his feathered one and dragged him out to where you first came to visit. Both of you stopped at the nearest pond with a few small salmons swimming around. Revali's eyes lit up and he quickly waddled into the water standing on a small ledge so his feathers don't get wet. You watched as Revali started slapping at the water with his wings, trying to catch one. "Hehe! You're just scaring them, Revali!" You giggled and kneeled on the other side of the pond and copied him.

After a while of trying to catch fish you noticed how long you've been outside for and stood up, "Hm.. Time sure does fly by when you're having fun." you sighed and saw Revali's dad flying towards you two. Revali eventually noticed and quickly jumped out of the water, standing up straight with a blank face as he landed. His dad didn't seem to say anything as he just glared at you before walking up the steps to the village. You heard a small sigh come from Revali as he followed behind his dad. You waited a bit so you could also go back up but with a certain distance between you, revali and his dad before going up to the inn, only to see your mum already fast asleep in her bed.

You frowned a bit as tomorrow was the last day at the village before you had to go back. You sat on the edge of your bed and watched as the rito who worked near the desk was getting an empty bed ready for the next day, 'hm.. never really noticed how pretty the rito can be.' you thought to yourself before quickly changing into your pjs and getting under the soft blanket, slowly falling asleep.

(sorry that this chapter is shorter than the other one- it's literally 1 am rn and i have no clue what on earth i am doing).

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