Anna steps toward me before swerving and walking down the sidewalk. Sofia quickly follows, stepping in tandem with the other girl.

"Wait up!" I call, picking up my pace. I wince as I reach them, my feet already aching.

"What's the matter?" Anna questioned.

"Nothing, my feet just hurt." I brushed off the concern, "these shoes are so uncomfortable." I comment.

Sofia chuckled to herself. "Oh, don't worry...."

"Huh?" I respond.

"I told Anna all about how you're going to that restaurant for your 'not date' this afternoon."


"What? If you have nothing to hide, what's wrong with me telling anyone? You won't tell anyone, will you Anna?" She asks.   

Anna looked at me, a small smile lighting her face. "Not a soul."

I sigh in relief. "Good." I state, smacking Sofia on the shoulder. "I'm already harassed enough at school; I don't need more cannon fodder."

Sofia let's out an exaggerated shriek at the contact.

I roll my eyes, "Hurry up, there's a chemistry test today."

"I completely forgot!"

_ _ _ _ _

We had, luckily, missed Leaky Eye Luca today. I could see him a few meters off roughing up some man, but it was safe to say that he hadn't noticed us. We made it in time for the test review in the morning, and I felt good about my possible results.

Chemistry is just dangerous baking the way I put it.

Still, the expectation of meeting those strange men made me nauseous with anxiety.

"I don't think I'm going." I whisper to my table in Italian literacy.

"What do you mean 'I'm not going'? Over your dead body am I letting you miss a date! I don't think that you've ever been on a date in the history of... ever!" Sofia hissed back at me.

"It's not a date!"



"I'm making you go whether you like it or not."

_ _ _ _ _

The sun was high in the sky as Sofia pushed me off the edge of campus. With a shove, I was unceremoniously stripped of my school bag.

"Sofia, I need that!"

She tosses it to one of our friends with a grunt. "And you can have it back when I see you after lunch." She says. "Here."

My phone flies through the air, and I scramble to catch it without my stand.

"Now go! You're going to be late!"

My group of friends giggle before jogging to the cafeteria, leaving me alone.

"Why did I make friends with such bitches?" I question myself, sighing. "Well, I don't have a way out." I huff.

I start walking in the direction of the airport.

_ _ _ _ _

The airport was busy. People were being transported to and from the large parking lot by shuttle or cab. I almost hoped that the traffic would give me a good excuse. If I didn't see him, how could I have gotten in the car?

But there Fugo was, sitting in a silver Audi. He was pulled off to the side of the road, ironically in front of the same bench that I pass going to school every day. It was unoccupied.

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