Pheromone dust part 1

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Axel sat on his bed, book in hand. The incident happened a month ago, and everything went to normal. The book that he was reading "The art of War"

Everyone was doing their activities, not paying attention to each other, until a loud screaming was heard.

"What the hell was that" said Jet, looking around the room. The door then flew open and a flash of yellow entered and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell?" Said Dante

"Hey guys" said the person, wearing a tattered sweater and jeans

"Jaune Arc?" Asked Axel "What the hell are you doing?"

"And what happened to you?" Asked Kukka

"How do I explain this without sounding like an idiot"

"Spit it out"

"For some reason the entire female population of Beacon is chasing me"

"Jet can you confirm this" asked Kukka, making Jet use his sonar sensing to feel a whole bunch of people waking around their room

"Yeah, lot of people, ones coming near us right now"

"Shit shit shit" Jaune said he ran around the room "You have to help me please please please"

"Fine, we'll help you. Jet tell us when whoever it is comes near the door"

Not even five seconds later a pounding was heard on the door.

"Yang's here" said Jet, walking to the door and leaning on it and yelled "Who is it"

"It's me Yang, can I come in?" The girl yelled though the door

"Why, what do you need"

Axel opened the window and told Jaune to get outside on the ledge

"I just want to come inside, is that so wrong?"

"Well it depends. What makes it so important to come inside an all boys room"

"Well...Weiss what are you doing here?!" Yelled Yang, a second voice came from outside the door.

"We both saw him run this way Yang, now can you bust down the door"

Axel was still trying to get Jaune out the window, yet when the knight heard Weiss he jumped out the window and used his aura as a shock absorber. Axel followed suit, not wanting to see his room destroyed.

Yang pounded harder on the door, the material about to break. Jet backed away from the door, knowing the door could break at any moment. The door then broke off its hinges, Weiss and Yang stepping inside.

"Were is he?" Weiss asked, her rapier out and scanning the room.

"Who? If we may ask" asked Jet

"Jaune, we saw him head in here and we want to know were he is"

"Why is it so important for you to know were he is?"

Axel grabbed Jaune and told him to get on his back

"What? Why?" He asked taken back

"Well if we want to find out what's happening we need to get away from the women, so we need to move. Only place I can think of right now is the tower"

"OK, so why do I need to get on your back?"

"I can get their faster then you and meet up with everyone else after we get there"

"OK, want me to send a text to Kukka and the rest of your team?" Jaune asked

"Yeah, hurry up"

Jaune quickly sent a text to Kukka, saying to meet them up on top of the tower.

Kukka checked his vibrating scroll and read the text.

"Hey Yang me and my team need to go somewhere so um yeah, were gonna leave, come on guys"

Right after they left Weiss and Yang tore up the room, looking for Jaune.

Jaune was trying to hold onto his lunch as Axel carried him at speeds beyond what he even knew existed.

A girl in a black bow watched the two flash by and slowly followed

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