ch 2- a start of a new relationship

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Just as school ended, Peter decided to go out Spidermaning just to clear his mind. He didn't want to eat anything today, because in 4 days time it was his birthday, and he wanted to save some money and get himself a nice dinner. Time flew and it was currently 3 pm. He was sitting on a roof. He had stop 4 bank robberies, a phew muggings, stopped plenty of car crashes , and defended a guy in his early thirties that was being beat. What he didn't count on was to being shot by one in one of the bank robberies. He had to spend 17 dollars to stop the bleeding, bye bye to having a nice birthday.

He was really tired, probably because of the loss of blood, when suddenly his spidey sense started going off really hard. He turned around and grabbed an arrow in mid-air, and saw all the avengers pointing their guns at him

"I though hawkeye didn't miss, huh" remarked peter trying to be as annoying as possible, suddenly the arrow exploded leaving peter with a really bad burn in his arm


" I never miss" answered Clint playfully

"Guys be careful not to kill him okay ? " I said looking back, and just when I turned around to meet him, he had already jumped off the building swinging

We all went after him. I got to him first, and I started shooting my propulsors at him, however, he dodged all of my shots easily , backflipped behind me and webbed me to the ground . Next, he swang next to Clint and webbed him easily. What he didn't expect was for Nattasha to come out of the blue and shoot him. One bullet went directly trough his right leg

Spiderman screamed in pain, and Nattasha used that moment to blow a kick, however spiderman dodged it and kicked back nattasha in the stomach. They started fighting when an arrow went directly at natasha. Spiderman caught it, and when nattasha was busy trying to explain what happened in her mind, he webbed her to the floor.


My leg was aching in pain, it hurt so so much, I was already feeling dizzy, so when Bucky, Thor, Hulk, Pietro , Wanda and war machine appeared, he just jumped off the building and swang to the nearest alley, where he changed to civilian clothes, and blacked out because of the lack of food.

He was awoken at 3 : 39 by his alarm once again. He got up and went to the Stark tower, which was a 15 min walk. His leg was killing him, and he didn't even feel his stomach, but he kept ignoring it.

Once he got there he entered the Tower and went to were he thought he would get his ID card to get in

"Hello Mrs ma'am, I am here for the internship with Tony stark" said peter politely

"Oh honey I think you got confused, we don't let people under 14 as interns, and it is really hard to get it even if you are 16" answered the woman as politely as possible

'Damn', thought peter 'I know I looked young, but under 14?' "Oh ma'am but I am 15, my name is Peter Parker " said peter red and embarrassed

"Ohhh, sorry darling, its just that you look to be 11, I hope I didn't offend you" answered the woman with a motherly voice while giving peter his Id

"Its okay, happens all the time" said peter taking the card and entering the elevator.

"Would you like to go to Boss lab Master Parker, He said to bring you there if you asked" said F.R.I.D.A.Y" Oh by the way, I am Boss AI, I run the whole building, so if you ever need anything just call me"

Peter was amazed by the AI, He had built one himself , that was probably as F.R.I.D.A.Y if not better, but it was cool nevertheless." That would be awesome. By the way Peters fine" answered peter friendly

"Sure Peter" said F.R.I.D.A.Y "By the way, you seem to be at the edge of starvation, not to mention you have to bullet wounds in your superior part of right leg, 2 old broken ribs that haven't healed correctly and many bruises throughout your stomach and back, would you like me to inform Boss of your current state?"

Peter panicked a little bit before shaking his head uncontrollably " NO , NO, I mean no thanks... Ive got it all under control" "very well" answered F.R.I.D.A.Y

The doors of the elevator opened, and Peter couldn't see anyone in the lab, so he decided to look around. He got to the white board where Tony was trying to figure how to get a higher damage blast, of a weapon that he added to his suit that was made with a compound, that would simulate a blast shot if it was put in the right temperature.

"If you added 3 nanograms of mercury and 20 of thorium, you would be able to increase the frecuency of the blast byyyyyyy.... (peter started an equation in a paper)38,29 %, that would lead to more damage" blurted out Peter

"What the fuck !!" Cried Tony really shocked " Bruce come her now, it is a fucking emergency"

When Tony shouted, peter freaked out, but when he called Bruce, he lost it, he got in a small ball, hugging his legs and crying silently. He had a lot of panick attacks, and he thought they discovered he was spiderman or something even worse, I mean why would it be an emergency if not because of that?!

" TONY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" yelled Bruce from the distance running to Tony

"The kid figured it out, what have been investigating it for 5 days, and this kids solved it under a fucking minute" Blurted out Tony

"What kid?" asked bruce anxiously

" That kid" said Tony turning around and not finding anyone "where'd he go?", suddenly, he heard a whimper from under the table

"Buddy what's wrong peter," asked Tony suddenly worried . He got the kid that was crying irresponsive in his arms, and carried him to the sofa " Oh my god Bruce he is literally weightless" he said, and just before getting to the sofa, he felt the kid relax completely, letting his head fall. He passed out

"He blacked out, get medbay ready" said Tony really concerned for the boy


I don't remember anything. Like literally, I woke up in this white room alone

5 minutes passed, and Mr Stark came over to me

"How are you feeling " he asked

"good, but what happened?" answered Peter really curious


" Well you were crying in a ball under the table, so I carried you to the sofa where you blacked out because of the lack of food, also, you have to explain why you literaly weigh 15 killograms, had two healing bullet wounds and etc" I asked concerned and angry at the same time for not telling me

Peter started to panick, LIKE PANICKING PANICKING, and Tony got up on that and started to calm the boy. Once he got calmed, he asked if he could leave, because it was 1 h and 45 mins past his time (10:45)

I let him go, because he was on the edge of crying , and I didn't want to loose the relationship with this kid. I mean I was too worried. So I decided not to push it and for him to tell me whats wrong

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