Apparition and Prognostication

Start from the beginning

"Leave it, Pansy" Blaise stated with a note of finality.



"There you are." She announced, taking a seat next to him on the bed. "I've been looking all over the castle, I suppose I should have checked your dormitory first."

He lifted his head, tearing his gaze from his book. His eyes watched her patiently, as she leaned in, bringing her lips teasingly close to his "I've, missed you."

She stole a kiss, before he pulled away hesitantly. "Not, now." He spoke.

"I promise I won't bother you." She pouted.

"Yet you have this great power of being-"

"annoying?" She chanced, with a disagreeable sigh.

"I was going to say distracting." His lips pulled slightly into a smirk.

She shifted towards him, letting her head fall on his shoulder. "Fuck off, Malfoy"

His body shook as he let out a brief laugh in response. She closed her eyes as he continued to read, wondering how she had managed for him to allow her so close. She'd imagine it was because he desired her in the same way she did in that moment. To be physically pressed to his being, knowing for that infinitely small amount of time, as their breathing seemed slow, yet hearts accelerated; they were each others. 

The electricity similar to magic lingering in the air, radiated from him. And unless he had recently cast a spell, she was to suggest love was quite comparable to magic. Powerful, potentially capable of the most wonderous things imaginable; yet equally capable of consuming everything until left in its absence was complete darkness.

She held her tongue between her teeth. Perhaps his world seemed so dark, risking the possibility of falling in love was not that drastic. "Draco-" She began.

"Hmm?" He hummed, whilst turning the page.

"I-" the words were clawing up her throat. "I-"

Though it was absurd to assume they were in love. She was being ridiculous. "I found Blaise was acting quite strange today. Do you know he fancies someone?"

"I figure all people fancy someone." He replied after a moment of consideration.

"But did you know?"

"No." He replied simply. "I did not."

Eventually, after the suspicions regarding Blaise Zabini left her thoughts, she felt exhausted. She sat up, placed a kiss on his jaw, then climbed under the covers to fall asleep.

She did not notice Draco stop reading. His eyes averted from the page and instead studied her expression to find it peaceful. As much as he tried to convince himself his attraction for her was his sole reason for being with the witch, the reality remained. Pansy affected him more than magic ever could.

When Monday dawned, Pansy realized Draco had spent the entirety of the weekend attempting to find a way to deliver the mead to Dumbledore successfully.

As they entered Defense Against The Dark Arts, he looked as though he was going to fall asleep where he sat. Physically, and mentally he was drained.

For a moment Pansy selfishly considered how much she missed their physical expression of attraction as of late, but then felt sorry for his current circumstance. Her eyes flicked to Snape with foreboding when the professor addressed him.


"Sir?" Draco sneered.

"What. is. the answer. to my question?" He peered down at him with a sense of disappointment.

Pansy took note that not even Know it all Granger bothered to raise her hand. The entire room waited with bated breath, as a prolonged silence had reached each corner of the classroom.

"I do not know." He answered finally, his voice sounding defeated.

"You. don't. know.?" Snape's voice was laced with malevolence. "Perhaps you will stumble upon a guess in, let's say, detention?"

"Sorry, Sir. Though I didn't hear your original question, therefore my guess would no sooner be correct than if you had asked what pissed in your pumpkin juice this morning, and I replied 'Severus Snape'." Draco retorted in the most  sarcastically polite contempt.

Once his words were registered, every single mouth hung ajar.

Snape's eyes flashed wickedly, before he gave an order in the most severe tone. "Get out of my classroom this instant." Snape said calmly.

"Certainly." Draco dignified a "Sir." before strutting out.

Pansy sank backward into her seat, having witnessed the most extraordinary, and equally arousing thing she had ever saw. "Is it strange that I'm turned on?" She whispered to Nott seated behind her.

Blaise overheard, and dropped his face into his hand.

"Professor-" Granger began, Snape still in a status of shock. "I believe the answer is Alarte Ascendare."

"Fifty points from Gryffindor."

"But Sir, she said the correct answer." Blaise interjected. Pansy stared at him in complete shock, ignorant to the fact Granger was about to cry; something she usually would have enjoyed.

"Miss, Granger, Perhaps you would like to join Mr. Malfoy with your presence elsewhere, and take that time to ponder how and why you single handedly lost your house fifty points." Snape continued.

Pansy turned around in her seat, still confused why on earth Blaise had the nerve to defend Granger. She met Theo's eyes, to find the size of his grin spoke volumes. Although when he raised his eyebrows up and down, she couldn't believe it.

"Miss Parkinson, I see no reason for you to be turned around, unless you can read the board with the eyes in the back of your head that magically evolved overnight-" His eyes returned to Blaise. "-Zabini, you are correct. Gryffindor will be provided fifty points for my mistake, however one hundred will be deducted from Slytherin for your rude and compulsive interruption to my class." His gaze passed over every student. "Now, if anyone says so much as a fraction of a word, snigger, or look directed elsewhere then your textbooks and the board for the rest of this class, then you all will be serving a month's detention cleaning every nook and cranny of this castle."

He withdrew his wand, resulting the words he spoke to appear in writing on the board. "Do I make myself clear?"

The remainder of the class drew on for what seemed a century of complete and utter silence.

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