Rapier practice

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Lucy POV 

Today was a rest day for me and Lockwood since we had been doing cases all week. Holly, George, and Kipps were out on a case leaving me and Lockwood alone at home. We were in the Office Lockwood had himself draped over his chair half reading a magazine half staring into space. I was rereading an issue of true hauntings. We had been sitting in a pretty comfortable silence until Lockwood jumped up, "Hey Luce, you wanna go do some rapier practice?" surprised but intrigued I nodded

Lockwood POV 

I had decided that this was the perfect time to confess to Lucy. Once we had gotten to the rapier room I picked up my second best rapier, she picked up one of hers. We started in the beginning position the fencing began. She was getting better much better than when we had first met, but I still beat her with one of my more exotic moves.

She sighed then said, "I almost beat you that time! If you hadn't resorted to your fancy kariashi moves or whatever they are. I laughed smiling at her. Then I said, "Hey Luce I wanted to talk to you about something," but she didn't seem to be listening, she was lost in her own thoughts and saying something about no fancy moves next round. Then I did the stupidest thing possible and blurted, "IlikeyouLucyalotandifyoudon'tlikemethatsfineIjusthadtotellyou!" (I like you, Lucy, a lot and if you don't like me that's fine I just had to tell you) 

Lucy POV 

I stared at him dumbfounded. Then Lockwood shook his head, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have laid that all on you." He kept rambling on about how sorry he was but all I could think about was how cute he looked when he was nervous. Then I had the sense to cut him off, "I like you too you idiot!" He looked at me surprised, "Really?" Then I did something I had been wanting to for a while I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him.

It didn't last very long though because behind us I heard someone say, "Finally!" we jumped apart and spun around, what we saw was our friends. George was chuckling and Holly was grinning and Kipps just looked relieved, "Finally!" Kipps said again then turned around and went upstairs Holly and George following in his wake. We looked at each other then turned back and raced after our friends to question them on how much they had seen.

Lockwood and Co. One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن