/ the more the merrier /

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I've spent the next two days at the hospital, and right now I was in the hallway talking to a little boy who he told me his name was Mike and he had 8 years old:

"So, you're a foster kid, your parents left you here in the hospital and left and now you're alone?"

He nodded with little tears in his eyes, I started thinking and told him the best idea I had:

"Want to be with me till my parents come?"

He smiled and nodded while he hugged on my leg, and so we got into my room in the hospital, I sat down in my bed with him by my side, I saw how he yawned and so I start rubbing his hair, just like how Dad does to me, soon enough, when I look back at him, I see that he's fast asleep, so I placed him on the pillow of my bed and I placed the blankets over him, I got up and sat on the sofa next to the bed with a book.

----------------------------------------- time skip -----------------------------------------

I woke up by someone moving me, I groaned and tried to move into another position, but I heard Mike say:

"Lu, wake up someone's here"

I rubbed my eyes and sat still on the sofa and when I opened them I found my parents looking at me, I smile at them and quickly stood up and went to hug them, when we let go I turn around to see Mike looking to the floor, so I go to him and hug him by the side while I told my parents:

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Mike, he's 8 years old"

They both said hi to him and he said it back, in a whisper and he kept looking to the floor, Dad knelt to the floor and asked Mike:

"Hey buddy, want to see something?"

He looked up at me and I nodded at him, and so he looked at me Dad and asked:

"Is he Captain America?"

All of us laughed and I nodded, so Mike turned to him and asked:

"What is it?"

"Just go, I bet you'll like it" I told him, he didn't move but stared at me "It's going to be fine I promise"

He smiled and approached my father, that was when my mom got me by the arm and got me out of the room:

"He's orphan right?"

I nodded, and she stated again:

"And do you want to adopt him right?" I smiled widely and said:

"Are you?"

She smiled at me and ran her hand across my face and asked me:

"Do you want us to?"

I ran into her arms and she hugged me tightly while I told her:

"Of course I want to!"

We were interrupted by a mans cough and Mom turned around and said:


There was a man with grey hair, that I thought that he could be in his forties, he was smiling at us and he asked:

"Do you happen to know where Mike Hills is? I'm his lawyer Mr. Smith"

Mom looked at me and I shrugged so when she turned back again to the man she told him:

"Yes, he's in our room, but I got a question to ask you"

The lawyer looked at us and asked:

"Yes ma'am?"

She sighted and asked:

"Could we adopt him?"

The man in the suit smiled at us and said:


"Yeah" Mom said "We can right?"

The man smiled and said:

"Yes, of course, but there is a problem and is that this boy doesn't like a lot of people"

Mom looks at me with a smile and tells the man:

"I bet he likes us"

He smiled now and together we go inside our room to find Dad and Mike playing together, Mike was laughing a lot but when he saw Mr. Smith he quickly stopped and ran over to me to hide while he said:

"What is he doing here?"

At first no one said anything but then Mom said:

"You're coming home with us, but we needed to tell him"

There was a smile on his face and he went running over to where Mom was and hugged her:

"Really?" He asked

"Yes honey, but only if you want to" Mom said

"Of course I want to!" He replied, and when he let go of the hug he told Mr. Smith "I'm going to have a big sis!"

I laugh and gave him a hug, we went to my hospital room while Mom, Dad and Mr. Smith stood next to the table to sign all the papers

----------------------------------------- time skip -----------------------------------------

All the papers were already signed and the doctors told me that I could go home, so we took all of mine and Mike's stuff and we headed outside of the hospital and into the SUV Dad had bought last week, when Dad opened it Mike froze, and since I was by his side and was taking his hand I stopped as well, I looked down to him to see he had an astonished look in his face:

"What happens Mike?"

"Is that our car?" He asked

I frowned and asked him:

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

He smiled at me and started jumping, to this point both our parents were looking at us and he said:

"This is my favorite car!"

Dad came to us and knelt by his side and asked:

"Really Mike?" He smiled and nodded and Dad said "Well, its one of my favorites too"

"It is?" Mike asked, Dad nodded and Mike hugged him for some time.

I looked over to where Mom was and went up to her, and when I was by her side I opened my arms with a smile, she smile back and quickly hugged me tightly:

"I love you Mom"

"Oh honey, I love you too, a lot"

We got into the car and headed home, through all of the journey Mike kept asking Dad questions about Captain America, and he would answer them all:

"I'm going to start filming for Avengers: Endgame on Monday, if you want you two can come"

Mike started to jump in his seat and yelling:


I laughed while I looked at him and said:

"Is he your favorite superhero?"

He didn't think the answer and told me:

"No, it's Captain America, but I've already met him so..."

I hugged him and he back and with that we came in our house, we got out and Mike did the same thing as I did when I got in for the first time, he opened his mouth and looked around for some time until Dad said:

"Come on guys, you need to have some sleep if you want to come with me tomorrow to set"

We ran inside and got greeted by both of the dogs, Mike looked afraid at first, but soon got comfortable, especially with Dodger, we showed him his room, it had blue walls, and his blankets were Captain America ones, he got changed into his pajamas and as soon as his head touched the pillow he feel asleep with a smile on his face.

Mom, Dad and me got out of his room and went to the living room, I soon sat on the sofa, my Dad was next and he sat next to me, placing his head on my shoulder, like he used todo every time we sat down, Mom sat down on my other side and started to rub my head with her hand, making me fall asleep on the sofa with a smile on my face as well, that day became one of my favorite ones, mainly because our little family got a little bigger by welcoming Mike in it.

With arms wide openOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora