"Yuri wait!" Dana yells after the two.

"Dana, stop!" The girls yell.

"Move!" They yell.

"No!" One girl starts. "Why!? Why have you been ignoring the three of us!?"

"You just beat up a girl in the bathroom. This isn't about you right now!" Dana says trying to move past them.

"All of your new friends are treated better than us! We've been with you the whole time!"

"Maya-" Dana says, finally saying one of the girl's names.

"That's the first time you've said my name since we've been on this ship!" She says teary-eyed.

"I don't have time-"

"Why Dana!" Maya starts crying. "How could you leave us like that!?"

The two other girls start patting her back. One of the girls glares at Dana "Look what you did? She's crying now. You can change your pronouns all you want, but you're still just some stupid boy who can't understand a girl's emotion."

Dana takes a deep breath. "You wanna know why I don't talk to you guys? You all are terrible. All three of you have always made me the butt of the joke, purposely exclude me from things, and then call me annoying when I wanted to hang out with you. Now you're mad that I have real friends that take up my time so I don't have to talk to you?

The friends that actually treat me like a human being and don't throw my identity out the window every time they're mad at me. And I understand your feelings, Maya, I just don't feel the same way. I guess I led you all on by inviting you.

You're uninvited."

Dana pushes past the girls and walks out of the bathroom.

Maya breaks down as the two other girls try to comfort her.

Meanwhile. Yuri and Lyra are running to the lower decks. 'They know now! I ruined everything! I have to let everyone know!... To think... I almost had a friend-'

"YURI!" Lyra and Yuri turn to see Dana running after them.

"They followed us??" Lyra says astonished.

"Yuri. How rude of you to ignore your new friend." an unfamiliar voice says.

But this voice was very familiar to Yuri... And it was coming from right behind Dana.

Yuri didn't even think before running towards Dana.

Her mother was powerless, but she knew something was off this time. She quickly pulled Dana out of the way.

"It seems your priorities are off though." Immediately, Yuri's face was on the ground. A foot holding her down. "Your fear for me should trump their safety. I wasn't going to kill them, but I just might kill you." Nari says peering down at Yuri.

"The hell are you doing!? Get off of her!?" Dana was about to attack Nari.

"Stop!" Yuri shouts.

Dana stops dead in their tracks. "You can talk?"

"... Lyra will explain everything... Lyra, take them to my father, and please protect them."

Lyra begins pulling Dana "I'm not going to leave you! She implied she'd kill you!"

"She won't... Please trust me."

Dana looked defeated "But-"

"Enough! She'll be fine! Her father can fix this. The longer this takes, the more danger she'll be in" Lyra interrupts

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