Chapter 1: Been so long eh?

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Elizabeth's POV

I was surprised to see the person who I bumped into it was my childhood friend Cypher.

I was glad to see him for so long. Were did he go for all of this years?

When I remember that I was saddened and mad.

As in I'm showing it right now. In front of my friend I never seen for years.

(This is a teen AU Cypher is 17 while Elizabeth is 18)

I was now smiling before turning into an angry one. He was confused at this.

Cypher: uh Eli. Why are you s-


Cypher: ow! What was that for.

He said while holding his cheek.

Elizabeth: were the hell where you!

I grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie he was scared as I see sweats on his neck and forehead.

Cypher: what do you m-mean?

Elizabeth: I'll ask you again were did you go for all this years? I was trying to find you. But Nooooo. You were never there! So your gonna tell me everything  what happened. And were the hell did you go!

Cypher: s-sure.

He was still nervous. As I let him go.

Cypher: but-but f-first I need to get some groceries.

He left but not before I grabbed his arm.

Cypher: w-what is t-this?

He asked as I held his arm tighter.

Elizabeth: I'm not risking you dissapear again you left me for 6 years! 6 damn years!

Cypher: I'm sorry ok. It was. It was.

He was near to tears. Oh no.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I just didn't want to lose you again. I mean. Its you were my first friend.

Cypher held my chin. Making me look at him.

Cypher: I'll tell you later Eli. Ok?

I nodded my head.

Elizabeth: ok.

Cypher: so can you let my arm go now?

I smirked at him.

Elizabeth: No.

He frown as we walked, many people were giving glares as he covers his face in embarrassment.

I just giggled and hug his arm to his dismay.

I'm glad to have him back.

End of Chapter 1

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