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Roughly 4 days later

"Have you ate today?"

Uzi, distracted by the incoming spam texts from Sav, finally tuned back into what Carti was asking.

"Uh yea, a little."

He was of course lying, but he didn't want to hear a lecture about if he didn't eat he wouldn't grow to be "a strong healthy TALL man."

Which Carti did say one time, obviously joking about the shorter ones stature.

Carti was a bit skeptical of the short hand answer but  tried to brush it off as him overthinking.

Uzi wasn't trying to be harsh, but there was just too much on his mind.

He saw the things Sav did to people, so his fear was very validated.

He started to recall to a specific time.

Back when they were all in 8th grade. This girl Ella and Sav were talking. Now Ella was a bit of a hoe. She talked to just about anyone. And the thing is she was such an airhead that a conversation her wouldn't escalate unless it began with "give me" and ended with "top."

She wasn't aware that she had that rep but she did. And he guessed that was obviously the only reason why Sav pursued her.

Anyways, flash forward, the whole school knew by now that the whole relationship was just a competition of who can cheat the most. But apparently Ella took it too far when she started letting Dex and Thug run a trains on her in the McAllister's parking lot at night.

When Sav found out, he got pissed and posted a video of him hitting it from the back. Everyone was jocking on how ugly her moan was.

I mean the girl literally sounded like a money who was getting railed by an elephant.

She got all the hate and the bullying, so much to the point where it drove her to get homeschooled because there was no way she could show her face in any school ever again.

And the most he got was a slap on the wrist and a "Hey, don't do that again. Take the video down."

That made Uzi question his intentions in pursuing him.

He knew that they were young and he seemed to have changed but it still kind of bothered him.

"I'll call you back, I got some work I should probably catch up on."

Carti said in monotone, hanging up before Uzi could respond.

He was beginning to get growingly irritated by Uzi's inattentiveness. It made him feel as if he didn't even want to talk to him in the first place.

Carti was utterly confused on why he was acting like a big baby. It shouldn't be that big a deal but it just twisted him the wrong way.

Carti decided to go down stairs.

At this point he had been in his room all day and just needed to touch grass, even if that "grass" was the edge of his living room carpet.

He felt as if maybe Uzi was tired of being his only current outlet to the outside world.

The more he thought about it, it kept coming back to the weird vibe between them when Uzi came back from that party.

Did something happen? Or did Uzi maybe realize that while he has all this range to do stuff, Carti is under house arrest with a nigga that he currently loathes.

I mean, truly, what was stopping Carti from going to that party the other night?

He started to think he was making excuses without really trying to.

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