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"Have a safe journey home and we will see you very soon London!!" Harry shouted into the mic as he turned to join the rest of the lads to take a bow, and with that they all waved to the crowd and ran off stage.

"That was amazing, London shows are always so good to us" Niall shouted as he grabbed his water.

"Yeah they really are. That was an epic show guys. But I cannot wait to get back to the hotel and get showered. I am covered in silly string and glitter thanks to a certain someone" Louis replied whilst shooting a glare at Liam. Liam started laughing and just grabbed Louis by his shoulders and then pulled him in for a "bro hug"

"Yeah I'm kinda tired. Just want to head back and grab an an early night myself" Harry said whilst staring at his shoes. Louis looked glanced over at him carefully. Harry was acting a little weird recently. Louis knew Harry inside out. He'd been harbouring feelings for his best friend for the last 3 years. But Harry's list of failed relationships and one night stands with females had led Louis to keep his feelings to himself being under the impression that Harry was completely straight. He never had a reason to believe otherwise. Sure he and Harry had "flirted" and made comments towards one another, they even shared a bed every night. The other lads all had their own rooms, but he and Harry always shared, and always shared a bed too even if there was two beds. It's just something that came to be the norm for the two, and neither one of them had any want for it to change.

They all climbed into the shared car and headed back to the hotel they were staying at. Harry remained silent for the entire journey, but the rest of the lads made conversation, discussing favourite moments from the nights show and discussing plans on what to do with their day off tomorrow. Louis kept looking at Harry, but his focus was fixed on looking out the window. He'd be sure to ask him what's bothering him when they were in private.

Once they'd arrived at the hotel they all rushed in, and found their way to their floor where their rooms were. They all said their goodbyes and headed in to their own rooms. Harry let out a sigh and laid down on the bed, not bothering to take off his shoes or much else. He laid in silence looking up at the ceiling. Louis went about gathering up his pyjamas and his new bottle of body wash from his bag before turning to look at Harry.

"Harold, what's up love. You've been awfully quiet? You've not been yourself for a while now, and I just want to make sure that you're okay. You know you can talk to me about anything right" Louis said whilst walking over to the bed and taking a seat by Harry's feet.

Harry screwed his eyes shut trying to fight back the tears that he didn't even know he was holding back, before shaking his head and speaking up

"I've just got a lot on my mind. Certain feelings tearing me up and I just don't know what to do anymore. You said I can talk to you about anything and usually I wouldn't doubt that. But this is something different. You'd feel different. Look at me different. You'd hate me and I jus...." he was cut off by Louis pulling him up from where he was lay and pulling him into a hug.
"Shhhhh Harry, I could never hate you. Ever. No matter what you did or said, nothing would ever make me hate you. Now what's bothering you. Come on, tell your boo bear"
Louis felt himself cringe using the nickname Harry had given him, he hoped it would cheer Harry up. He hated the nickname. Not because it was bad, but because he always felt a steak of sadness because he wished that he and Harry were in a proper relationship where they could always call each other pet names with love and meaning and not just for a joke, but regardless he felt like now was a good time to use it.

Harry smiled at Louis calling himself boo bear. He pulled away and looked Louis in the eyes. He didn't know what came over him but he'd been holding in these feelings for so long and he just wanted to get it off his chest. Tell Louis how he really felt and have it out in the open. He took a deep breath in and out it came. It was now or never.

"I uhhh, I like, I mean I umm, I think that I might be in love with you, I've had these really weird feelings towards you for a whole and not just in a friend way but definitely more than a friend way and it's hard to explain but I want to be more than friends I want to be your boyfriend but I know you're straight but I can't help it and I'm really sorry but i......." Harry cut himself off by taking a few rapid breaths. He didn't realise he could talk so quick and say so many words without taking a breath. He finally got the courage to look at Lou's face. Louis sat there with his mouth wide open. But then his face changed to a smile.

"Please say something" Harry said not knowing what to think of his lack of response.

But Louis didn't say anything. Instead he stood up, and pushed Harry back down on to his back on the bed and then climbed on top of him. Harry laid there so confused by what was happening right now. Louis bent down and stared into Harry's eyes. His mouth was so close to Harry's now. Their noses were touching.

"I love you too Harry. For 3 years I've had the exact same feeling. I know it's confusing but you have no idea how much I've so desperately wanted those words to come out of your mouth, but I never thought the day would happen. But you've just said them, and I'm so happy right now. I love you so much"

And with that he closed the distance that remained and connected his lips to Harry's.
Harry's hand instantly came up to wrap around Louis' neck. Their lips moved perfectly with one another. Louis pushed against Harry's lips a little harder, deepening the kiss even more. Harry tugged on Louis bottom lip and he gasped parting his lips a little more giving Harry the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue inside the other boys mouth.

•To be continued, part 2 will be smut so you don't have to read if not comfortable :)•

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