Another hybrid with wide shoulders, came up and sat next to Jimin. Which brought comfort to him since this hybrid wasn't a top predator. And hopefully in that sense, the hyrbid would help him if he needed it.


While that was going on, two quite predator hybrids were sitting across from each other.

Yoongi watched Jimin from across the room. He saw how scared Jimin looked. With a worried face, Yoongi stood up and went over there and made a scene.....or he would've done that if a mole-d nosed hybrid didn't grab his arm.

He looked up to see said hybrid shake his head 'No' at him. Yoongi looked back at Jimin to see him now calm, and sat down.

'Why did you stop me?', he signed to the hybrid, growing curious of his nature.

The hybrid swallowed the piece of food he was chewing and proceeded to answer back.

'You'd be causing a scene and the last thing you and everyone here needs is a punishment from the....scientists.'

With this new understanding, Yoongi nodded and continued to eat.

He couldn't help but to watch the hybrids' curly hair bounce as he ate. As time dwindled down, Yoongi was beginning to feel something towards this hybrid. It was like he had found something he had lost and been needing.

That wonderful feeling was quickly ended by the wave of the hybrids hand.

'I'm flattered really, but you should focus more on eating.', the hybrid signed to yoongi.

Yoongi got flustered and shyly looked down, whispering a 'sorry'.

The hybrid then dared to chuckle deeply but not loudly.

Yoongi's eyes widened at the sound of the hybrid's voice. Yoongi stuffed his mouth with food to hide his blushing face. As he was chewing, he noticed that the hybrid was done eating.

The hybrid then made sure no 'Master' was watching and leaned over to whisper in Yoongi's ear.

"Kim Taehyung''

Yoongi almosted chocked, but he quickly caught on to what the hybrid meant. Before Taehyung could pull away and sit down; Yoongi pulled his shirt, pulling him closer and whispered in his ear.

"Min Yoongi. But to you it's Yoongi-hyung"

This must've took Taehyung for a surprise since the hybrid blinked in a frozen manner for a second or two. But he recovered fast and sat down with a quiet laugh.

'And how do you know I'm the young one here?', he signed.

'Because in all my eight years of being here, I've never seen you here before. And you look young.', Yoongi signed back.

Taehyung nodded and signed again.

'It's a shame then. A beauty like you shouldn't be here. But at least now I can bless you with my striking face', Taehyung smiled.

His smile creates a box. He has a boxy smile. Cute. But he is cocky. Yoongi thought these few things as he smiled his first real smile in a long time.


  Meanwhile, a certain dog hybrid was happily getting along with his seat mate.

  After a few introductions, Hoseok and Jungkook hit things off. At first Jungkook wasn't so sure about the overhyped dog, but in the end he decided it was nice to see someone smile.

  Hoseok was just happy he could get Jungkook to smile.


Luckily, Jimin was able to warm up to the two hybrids. This 'Namjoon' and 'Jin' that were sitting with him didn't seem so bad. He had learned their names and their ages. Namjoon-hyung is 18 years old, while Jin-hyung is 19. Namjoon had said he'd been in here for 8 years, like Yoongi-hyung. Jin-hyung has been here for four years. He's been able to see the outside like Hobi-hyung. I love that nickname I made for Hoseok! It's cute like him. Maybe one day I'll get to see the outside world again. Hope may not be lost.

And just like that. The bell rang, signaling all the hybrids that their 'lunch' break was over and for them to head to their stations. And everyone did just that.

Our seven hybrids didn't show their happiness to have met each other. At least not to the 'Masters'. But deep down, their hearts were smiling and their walls, if there were any, were slowly breaking down.

Runaways by Pinkmask03Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon