Extra Seat

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POv: Taylor

"Did you touch my sweatshirt?" CJ rushed into our room, fifteen minutes before dinner, and slammed the door shut behind her.

"No, you got here before dinner." I shrugged and continued to scroll through my instagram. After this my followers went from close family to thousands upon thousands of people whom I do not know. I've gotten a lot of dm's, but I ignore them. I don't want to read something that'll put me in a bad mood. I ain't got time for that.

"Oh, Imma shower real quick." CJ walked straight into the bathroom.

"Please do." I mumbled to myself. I don't want the room to smell like what she just did to whoever the hell she is.

"We didn't do much!" CJ yelled from the shower. She only closes the door if we have company or someone could walk in.

"Don't wanna know!" I yelled back.

"You only wanna know when you approve of it! Why don't you want to know when you don't approve of it?" CJ continued to yell, so I got up and went into the bathroom so our neighbors wouldn't hate us for the rest of the week.

"One, I don't want to know the story of how my best friend got a STD, and two, if I don't like the bitch, I don't want to know what you did to the bitch unless you killed her. Then I'll get my shovel." I hopped up on the bathroom sink and stared at the steam creeping above the curtain. Hell, the temperature of the water alone will be enough to kill any bacteria she had on her.

"She's nice. You two would get along." CJ didn't sound too sure of herself with the second statement.

"CJ, I only get along with people I want to get along with. Don't even think about bringing the bitch over here for a visit, because not in our bed and not in our room and I'm not disappearing for a few hours so you can get it on." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't do that to you. You know that." CJ blew it off. "Why do you want me to come to dinner so badly?"

"I don't want to go by myself because my best friend was hoeing around." I played it off with a scoff.

CJ only hummed in response.

She wrapped up her shower and I left the bathroom to get myself ready. I really only had to put shoes on, but somehow CJ is always ready before I am.

"You ready?" CJ asked me as I was finishing tying my shoes.

"Yup," my gut turned as I got up to follow her out the door. Whatever you have in store Lauren, it better be good.

"Why are you nervous? I can feel it. My best friend senses are tingling." CJ looked at me funny as I pushed the elevator call button.

"I'm not nervous. I'm just really hungry. I haven't eaten much today and it's making me antsy." I pulled a random lie out of my ass.

"Mhm," CJ squinted at me as we walked into the elevator. "You are up to something. I can feel it."

"Would you stop saying that? You can't even feel a punch to the gut and you can just feel me in a bad mood." Her questioning was putting me in a sour mood. That alone will put me in a mood.

"Don't be mad because I know." CJ put her hands up as if she was in the right.

I flicked her forehead as the doors opened and led the way to the eating area.

"CJ and Tay, good to see you again." One of the staff members greeted us before leading us to a table.

"Seating arrangements?" CJ asked no one in particular.

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