Circus day 3

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Third POV

Marinette was looking at her old room for the last time. She had finally turned eighteen so she could move out. She had gotten an apartment in Gotham City. There she would live and thrive away from her former parents and her former friends along with that liar. Once away she would be free to do as she pleased. And with Hawkmoth defeated even more so.

She opened a portal but stopped. She knew that they would look for her. Wether it be by person or by internet she knew she couldn't risk it. So she combined the powers of the snake and owl miraculous. She then closed her eyes and breathed slowly. She reached out to all that haven't cared for her since Lila came.

Which were her parents, her former friends, her former crush, the liar and everyone else. When she felt it working she smiled a soft one. She hadn't meßsed with the time line at all. All she did was erase her existence and altered the memory so they happened the same way but without her at all. Opening her eyes she looked around one last time before walking through the portal planning to never return.

Three years later

Dick was visiting Bruce and his brothers. He also had a surprise up his sleeve. He had gotten VIP tickets to Nettie concert that night. Which he knew all of his brothers were a fan of. Even Damian how hid it from everyone else. He infact was listening to her most recent song.

She seemed to have finally been able over come a challenge that had been affecting her for years. The song protrayed that perfectly. But this concert would show case her new set songs that haven't been released. I just wish my girlfriend Marinette could come. But she had a few last minute commitsons to do.

That night when they arrive

We head backstage and see her putting the mask on her back to us. Then she turns around to greet us. She looked amazing but nothing compared to Marinette. When she walked over stopped just before us.

"You all must be the Wayne's nice to meet you all." She said like there wasn't a problem or care in the world. And didn't seem to act as if she wanted to get something from us.

"Nettie your on in five!" A stage helper shouted. She turned her head to look back. The smile still there.

"Alright thanks Joe be there in a sec!" Then turned back to us. Giving us apologetic smile. "Sorry I can't talk any longer the concert is about to start. So just sit back and enjoy the show." We nodded seeing this she turned and walked off. When they went to where they were told to sit they saw Nettie getting the crowd ready.

"Who's all ready for a night of music!" They cheered so loud that it felt as if they eardrums were about to burst. But they joined in and tried to be the loudest.

"I can't hear you! So let me try again I said who's ready for some music!" The crowd cheered louder than before. Shaking the building. Seeming pleased Nettie started to sing.

After the song she smiled at the crowd who was telling for more so she did another.

After she finished she addressed the crowd of yelling and adoring fans.

"Alright I have one more but this one is dedicated to my amazing boyfriend. Who was there when I was at my lowest. And helped me build my self back up again. And so with him here I am going to reveal who I am. This song is tribute to him and his background in a special way." The. She began to sing one more time.

She then pulled her mask off. Revealing herself to be MARINETTE! She smiled before announcing to the crowd. She had a smile the very smile I fell in love with.

"My name is Marinette Stone. I was bullied and belittle by my suppose to be friends and my suppose to be loving parents. I ran away when I was eighteen years old. And I am Nettie the international superstar." She then walked off the stage. I smiled while standing up and going to her. When I reached her she was breathing slowly. But turned to me with a smile. I walked over and hugged her.

Marinette POV

I giggled hugging Dick back. I knew he would have a reaction like this. But I didn't just want to tell him so I made this possible by setting the concert up and everything.

"You should of told me." He said pulling way with his goofy charming smile. I simply did a smirk before shrugging.

"Where's the fun in that? Its was really fun to see your reaction." He huffed and made a pouting face. I giggled and pecked him on the lips before turning to his family.

Besides Bruce they were staring awestruck at me. But Damian's was more hidden. I smiled before walking over to them.

"Hi I'm Marinette Dicks girlfriend. Who he hasn't introduce you too." I shot Dick a glare before turning around.

"Hey if I told them they would hog you." Dick whinned while snaking his arm around my waist. I huffed and gave a dead pan look.

"I know how to handle myself. Thank you very much I assumed that was obvious on how well I kept my superstar persona from you and my wealth that I made myself." I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"But you haven't met my family they will always find ways to spend time with you. Even Damian even though be more discreet." He whined and pulled doll eyes on me.

"You should know by now those don't work on me Richard." He spouted some more and playfully glared at me for using his full name. That's when I heard some chuckling.

"Your gonna fit perfectly onto the family." Jason told me. I smiled at that happy I finally found a caring family and people except me for who I am.

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