Chapter 3- Trust?

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//Note: Okay, I'm an idiot. In the first chapter John said, "It took forever for her to tell me; its a boy." IT SAYS ITS A GIRL IN THE SHOW. So I'm going to change that. And I just wanted to clarify something- since its a girl, it would be weird if Sherlock was its name. Sherlock is its middle name. I'll also be adding that to the first chapter. Sorry for any confusion!//


We tromp down the stairs and into Ms. Hudson's flat, not even bothering to knock. Well, actually, that was more Sherlock's doing.

Ms. Hudson appears from her kitchen with a ladle in her hand. "Oh! Hello! I didn't hear you come in!" She beckons us into the kitchen with a few flicks of her hand. "I'm making something and I'm needing some testers."

We glance at each other and both agree we should probably try it. Her food is always brilliant anyway. We follow behind her, curious.

She lifts the lid off of a pot full of steaming soup. It looks delicious and suddenly I'm famished. It looks like a vegetable soup, with onions, carrots, and corn. Some meat in there too. Although I have no idea what it is.

She looks up at us expectingly. "So? Do want to try it?"

Sherlock wrinkles his nose and turns his head the smallest amount. "Ah, no thanks Ms. Hudson. Not really into eating pig. John?"

I eye Sherlock speculatively. He's never missed a chance to try her food. He adores helping her with this kind of thing. Not that he knows he adores it...

I shake my head. "No thank you Ms. Hudson. I would love to but I've just eaten." I lie. I'd only had a cup of coffee.

She smiles. "Of course. You guys need to be off anyway. Where are you going? A date?" She asks as she walks past and opens her door.

"No!" At her eyebrows shooting up I shake my head and reply more calmly. "No, we're not together Ms. Hudson."

She winks. "Oh I see. Well, your secret's safe with me."

I grit my teeth and walk past her out the door and into the foyer. Sherlock is right behind me, apologizing to her for my behavior. I'm just a little "stirred", to use his words. He lightly kisses her on the forehead and closes the door behind him.

I glare at him. "Stirred, Sherlock? We are not together!"

He puts his finger to his lips, silencing me. "John, you're going to wake people. It is still early. And besides, nobody believes you." With a wink he slides out the front door and stands on the sidewalk, waiting for me.

I follow behind him, closing the door with the knocker and leaving it sideways. Can't have Sherlock pissing and moaning about a door knocker. I stand next to him as he waits for a cab to roll by.

Sherlock moaning...I'd like to see tha-

My hands go to the sides of my head. "Stop! Stop stop stop stop Stop!" I don't realize I've said it aloud until I feel Sherlock tugging on my hands. I don't want to see his face. I squeeze my eyes shut and push my hands to my head harder. The hell is wrong with my head?

He easily pries them away. "John?" He sounds concerned. "What are you doing? Do we need to go back inside?"

I shake my head. "Dammit Sherlock, don't touch me." I jerk my wrists out of his grasp and open my eyes, avoiding his face. Anything but his face. A cab turns onto our street and I walk toward the edge of the sidewalk, raising my arm. The cab pulls over and I slide in behind the passenger seat. Sherlock hesitates but finally gets in behind the driver. "Scotland Yard." He says quietly to the cabbie.

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