chapter seventeen

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I stayed inside most of the next day, not caring to see anyone. I went by the chateau to check up on John but he wasn't there. I waited around for him for a few hours but he never showed. Neither did the other three so I figured they all went somewhere together. I didn't really mind though, I wanted to be alone.

Just as I was about to leave I saw Kie's car pull into the driveway. Only Kie stepped out, but I could see JJ in the passenger. We briefly made eye contact and I felt my stomach drop. 

"There you are, V!" Kie spoke, jogging up to me. "Haven't seen you all day. Where's John B?"

"He's not with you guys?" I asked, a little worried.

"No. None of us have seen him since yesterday." She spoke.

"Shit. Where do you think he is?" I ask Kie.

"It's okay, Vienna. I'm sure he's fine. Give him a day to turn up, he's probably upset about the gold not being there. He reacts like this sometimes." She soothes, calming my nerves. I could tell Kie was a very good friend. She was like the mom of the group, always taking care of everyone.

It took her a while to warm up to me, which I understand, I was the same, but I could tell she was different now. Whenever I showed any sign of nervousness or anxiety, she did her best to calm me down, which I appreciated. I was really starting to like Kiara.

"We're going to see a movie, get back to regular OBX life. We want you to come." She smiled.

"Oh, I don't know, Kie. I'm not feeling too good." I lied, not wanting to spend an evening with JJ, especially without John there. If it was just Kie and Pope I would totally be down, but I did not want to see JJ.

"So, what happened between you and JJ?" She said.

I choked on the water I was drinking, caught off guard by her question. "W-what?" I stuttered, not knowing how to respond.

Did he tell her?

"Oh, don't lie." She says. "I can tell something happened. JJ's barely talked all day and JJ never shuts up. You're not yourself either and now you're avoiding hanging out, so what happened." She asked again.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Kie." I said, trying to get her to stop asking. I shake my head and turn away from her.

"Come on. Girl to girl, V. I can tell you want to get it out." She says, "you can trust me."

My back is to her as she says this, and I feel myself tense. I stare straight at the wall in front of me.

"I tried trusting one of you," I say turning to her, "and it blew up in my face." I finish, pushing back a few tears that threaten to spill.

"Vienna.." she speaks quietly, moving toward me.

"No, Kie. It's fine." I say, pushing her away and wiping tears from my cheek. "It's fine. I'm being emotional."

"What did he do?"

"Kie, I don't want to talk about it."

"V, I care. I'm the only other girl. I promise you this will stay between us. Just vent, get it out."

I let out a breath, "We've been flirting on and off, whatever. Then he made a big deal about me being here for a month. He took me to the country club and set up this huge romantic thing with wine and everything. We kissed and he told me I was really special—"

"—JJ did that?" Kie cut off, I nodded. "Shit, V. He's never done anything like that for a girl."

"Yeah well, it doesn't matter. Turns out he slept with someone named Rose earlier that day when he and Pope were delivering groceries."

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