chapter two

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I continued taking shots throughout the night, hoping to get his face out of my head. After a few hours, I'd had enough. Every time I looked over my shoulder he was there. I needed to leave.

I started walking back in the direction of the exit, stumbling on debris on the beach as I made my way back to the road.

"You okay there?"

I turned around to meet the eyes of the brunette boy from earlier, the boy who's had his eyes on me all night. As I looked into his eyes, I knew he was exactly who I thought he was. My stomach sank.

"No, thanks. I'm fine." I said, stumbling again. Soon shaking my head at my response, realizing it didn't really make sense.

Shaking my head caused me to lose balance and stumble toward the boy a little. He grabbed onto my arm to help stabilize me. I quickly pulled my arm from his hands. "I'm heading home." I said, keeping my head low to avoid him recognizing me.

"Let me give you a ride, you shouldn't be driving."

"That's exactly why I'm walking." I said. I turned to give him an annoyed look in hopes he would get the idea, and back off. But instead feeling a wave of nausea pass over me.

"Oh no" I muttered to myself before quickly pulling my hair back with my hand and puking in the grass which surrounded the small gravel parking lot outside the boneyard.

I felt the brunette boy grab my hair for me, which I should protest against, but due to puking again, I accepted his help.

"I saw you with Luke all night, you know him?"

"What are you stalking me? First you invite yourself on my property, then watch me all night, now ask about who I was with?" I say, standing up and wiping my mouth. He hands me a bottle of water, which I take and swish the water in my mouth before spitting it out, getting rid of the taste.

"Well, aren't you conversational." I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic comment, and began walking down the road, already feeling much more sober due to both this interaction, the water, and throwing half of the alcohol up.

"I'm John B." He said from behind me. The name struck me, I felt my stomach drop again. Instantly wanting to get home and away from him.

"And I didn't ask." I responded, hoping my rude nature would get him to give up and leave me alone. I knew as soon as we realized who each other were, I wouldn't be able to let go of him again.

"And I'm walking you home."

"I'm fine, John, really." I sighed, "I am very capable of taking care of myself, thank you."

"Vienna, you're drunk. And you shouldn't be walking home by yourself and-"

"You know my name?" I cut him off, turning back to him.


"My name. You just said my name." I said, pointing a finger towards him.

He stayed quiet, avoiding my eyes.

"What are you actually stalking me?" I joked, knowing that was not the reason he knew my name, but I continued to play dumb, hoping he would think he had the wrong person.

"No, I'm not stalking you." He sighed out.

"Do you not remember me?" He asked, a sense of hurt in his eyes. I debated lying, saying I had no idea who this boy was, but knew eventually he would get it out of me.

I stay quiet, silently studying the boys face. His eyes couldn't meet mine, he looked everywhere but at my face. I narrowed my eyes, trying to read what he was thinking.

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