~Chapter 3~

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Splashkit took a deep breath. This is it! I'll finally become an apprentice!

Splashkit felt something wet on her neck. "Lakefern! Stop!" Her mother had started licking her on her neck and had moved down to her back. She's been in a way better mood since Frondcloud came back last moon. Her father had returned from patrol, unharmed, right after Mistflight's kits had come. Splashkit thought he had looked like he knew something, but Lakefern just curled right up to him that night and hadn't let go until Rapidstar had woken her up near sunhigh.

"You need to look your best," Lakefern scolded as Splashkit started to struggle again. Splashkit rolled her eyes and watched as her brother stepped in front of Rapidstar, his chest puffed out.

Frondcloud sat beside Dewkit and Lakefern, his eyes made of pride. Dewkit was patiently waiting for her turn to come. Lakefern stopped licking Splashkit, gave her one last affectionate glance, and sat beside her mate, nuzzling his ear.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Silverpaw," Rapidstar was meowing.

Silverpaw's eyes gleamed as the RiverClan leader addressed him.

"StarClan, I ask you to guide this new apprentice. Set his paws on the path he must follow to become a warrior. Tawnyfang, you will mentor Silverpaw. May you pass down all you have learned from Whiteleaf to him."

Silverpaw stepped down to touch noses with the pale brown she-cat. Next was Dewkit, but before Rapidstar could say anything Bluemuzzle came up to him and spoke in a soft mew that no other cat could hear. Rapidstar looked at her and gave a small nod, and continued on.

"Dewkit. Step foreward." Dewkit rose in front of Rapidstar with glimmering excitement in her eye.

Then Bluemuzzle started to speak. "Cats of RiverClan, as you know, I will not be around forever. The time has come for me to take on an apprentice. Dewkit has shown patience and care, which are the virtues that will help her to be successful as a medicine cat."

"Dewkit. Do you accept the post of apprentice to Bluemuzzle?" Rapidstar asked.

"I do." Dewkit spoke with confidence and Splashkit knew this was what her sister wanted. But what do I want? She caught herself looking at Snowpaw, and Snowpaw smiled. Splashkit blushed and gave her chest fur a few licks.

"Then tonight, at half-moon, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats," Bluemuzzle told her. "You will not receive your apprentice name until StarClan has approved."

Dewkit nodded respectfully and followed Bluemuzzle back onto the ground. Splashkit took a deep breath. Now it was her turn. She climbed the willow tree stump where Rapidstar was and sat in front of him.

"Splashkit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be called Splashpaw. StarClan, I ask you to guide this young apprentice. Set her paws on the path she must learn to become a warrior. I myself will mentor Splashpaw. I have not had an apprentice for many seasons, and it's time I take one on." Murmurs were born among Splashpaw's clanmates. Lakefern and Frondcloud were smiling so hard, Splashpaw thought their muzzle would fall off. Splashpaw locked eyes with Snowpaw in the crowd, and Snowpaw was nodding encouragingly. Splashpaw looked once again at Rapidstar.

"Splashpaw, I promise to try to pass down all I have learned from Mossflight." Rapidstar stepped forward and touched noses with Splashpaw, then stepped back.

"This clan meeting is over," he announced.

"So what do we do first?" Splashpaw asked her new mentor as all the other cats went back to what they were doing before the ceremony. She spotted Lakefern and Frondcloud sharing a fish by the fresh-kill pile.

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