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Previously on Teen Wolf (Killer|Derek Hale)...

*Two years later*

"Stiles, it's way too early to be looking for a dead body again."

The boy rolled his eyes at Scott, "I didn't say it was a dead body. I said it was a suspicious person."

"Running through the woods?" he doubted.

"Murderers can run!"

The alpha groaned and followed after his friend as they trudged through the woods aimlessly. It was another five minutes of Stiles randomly talking before Scott interrupted.

"I have a calculus test tomorrow!" he stated, "And if I don't get some rest I'm actually going to fail this class."

"You'll be fine," Stiles dismissed, "Just ask Lydia for help."

Scott tried to argue his point again but he heard the snap of a distant branch. He stopped in his place and tuned in.

Stiles noticed that he had stopped and he froze too.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I thought I heard something."

They both quieted down. Stiles waited for his friend to hear something else.

Another branch snapped but it was closer this time. Scott turned in its direction, making Stiles do the same.

"There's someone here," he whispered.

The Stilinski's eyes widened and he hefted his bat. He creeped closer towards his best friend as Scott moved towards the sound.

Stiles hid behind the werewolf as they neared a large tree surrounded by bushes. They both tensed and hunched over slightly, prepared for anything that jumped at them.

And something did.

They only heard a growl before a figure jumped out at Scott, tackling him to the ground. The figure was a blur as they grappled.

Stiles tumbled back and fell in surprise. But upon seeing the unidentified person hurting his friend, he pushed himself back up. He grabbed his bat and swung it mightily, hitting the back of the person's head. They whimpered and fell off Scott.

As the alpha pushed himself up, they both faced the figure who hid themselves from the pair.

"Who are you?" Scott demanded.

The person panted heavily. They could tell it was a female now, seeing the hair that shrouded their face.

But as she turned around to confront them, their defenses dropped completely.

They would recognize those red eyes anywhere.

She didn't look any different than the last time they saw her. Although she looked rougher and more out of control. She growled at them and her fangs poked out from her mouth.

But it didn't worry them.


At her name, the animal sounds stopped. Her fangs disappeared and she narrowed her eyes. She slowly stood up, facing them directly.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

The sound of her voice shocked them after not hearing it for so long. But the question surprised them more.

"You don't remember us?" Stiles asked.

She shook her head, "Should I?"

The boys turned to each other in confusion. Stiles gripped Scott's arm since his alpha was in clear shock and paralyzed in his place.

"Scott, what should we do?" he whispered, his eyes never leaving the girl.

She perked up.

"Wait, Scott McCall?"

The alpha straightened in hope, "You remember me?"

"No," she shook her head, "But he told me to find you."

His brows furrowed, "Who did?"

"Issac Lahey."


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