"Thank you." I say, looking down at my ruffled clothes.

When I look back up, he's wearing a sorrowful expression. "I apologize for his behavior. Please, let me pay for your meal." He urged me to accept the offer.

"No, it's fine, really! I was just startled, and I overreacted, no big deal." I counter, rubbing my red wrist.

"I insist."

I brush off his offer, trying to make an excuse. "Sorry, I doubt that I'd be able to make it from my school. It's a long walk from here to the airport."

"Fugo can drive you." He offered, waving a hand back at the boy in the green suit. "You're a lady, after all."

I'm shocked by the stark comparison of attitudes. First, I'm attacked, and now a man is calling me a lady and offering to chauffeur me. I wrack my brain, trying to remember some club activity that Sofia had begged me to attend with her.


"He'll be waiting in the median in front of the airport, if you do choose to come." He cuts me off. "I do implore you to take the offer, miss. Narancia's actions were leagues out of bound." He stressed the latter part to the boy sitting on the floor.

He looked pitiful, slouched down and practically whimpering. The man in front of me must be his brother or something, there's no way that anyone could get that upset over being scolded by a friend.

The three others stood over him. Mista, the man in the hat, looked scared. The boy in the green suit, who I've learned is named Fugo, is seething at Narancia. I can practically see steam coming out of his ears. The third has an unreadable expression. He seems overall dissatisfied.

"Thank you for the offer, I'll think about it." I concede, turning back to scan over my belongings.

My homework and calculator were toast, already having been soaked in my drink. Luckily, the table had tipped the opposite way, leaving my bag dry. I quickly picked it up, reaching for my wallet and pulling out a stack of lire.

I rush to the waiter, bowing as I push the money into his hands.

"I am SO sorry for causing you trouble, please forgive me!" I sputter, running back to my Japanese customs. "I have to leave now, thank you!" I wave, rushing through the main entrance and down the street.

I run for five minutes, my feet aching from the stuffy shoes. I'm at the edge of the campus when I stop to catch my breath, my face glowing red from running and embarrassment.

I breathe deep and slow, trying to stop my pounding heart before I see anyone that I know.

Who are those strange men? What gave that boy the right to pin me to the ground like some pervert?

I can hear the dismissal bell ring in the distance.

"Oh shit!" I exclaim, panting, "I couldn't have been out that long..."

I reach for my phone, checking the time.

"I completely forgot about the free period." I say, facepalming. I catch my breath and start heading to the library.

I usually work on homework when I have a free period, but as mine got destroyed only minutes ago, I guess I'll scrounge around for someone that I can make a copy of the worksheet from.

"Y/N!" a yell rings through the courtyard.

Sofia grins, making a beeline to me. We meet in the center of the yard.

"So, how was your lunch?" Sofia chirps.


"The restaurant that you were talking about. How was it?" She asks again.

"Oh, I don't know." I respond dejectedly. I had almost forgot about the ruined meal, full on adrenaline from the fight.

Sofia hummed. "Well, do you want to go to the café with Anna and I at lunch tomorrow?"

"I can't, I'm going back to the place I was telling you about." I replied.

Sofia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Why? You didn't say that you..." I could practically see the gears in her head spinning as she gasps, "OH MY GOD, you met a boy!" She proclaims, squealing out a girlish squeak.

"It's not like that Sofia!" I defended. My cheeks flushed at the misunderstanding.

"Y/N has a date!"

"No way! Someone just offered to pay for my food."

"Who is it!? Is he tall? What are the color of his eyes? How old is he?" she interrogated me, each question bringing her uncomfortably closer to me. "Y/N, don't tell me that you're going on a date with-"

"For the last time, it's not a date! A man offered to pay for my food." I argued. "I'm pretty sure that it was his little brother that made the waiter drop the plate, the guy is just being polite." I added, trying to persuade her to listen to me.

"Oh. Well, do you want to go to the mall and go shopping for your not date?" Sofia pouted at my unwillingness to agree that I was on a 'date' (which I wasn't, not in any way).

"Sofia, I don't have time to change out of my uniform during lunch tomorrow." I chide.

"Right. Still, shopping is fun, what do you say?" She grins up at me.

I deliberate for a moment. In her favor, going to the strip mall after school would take us out of the path of Leaky Eye Luca.

"Only if we can get pizza first, I'm starving." I reason.

Sofia lets out a yell in excitement. She pumps her fist in the air victoriously.


"I need to pick up a new graphing calculator. Don't think that you roped me into going shoe shopping with you." I warn.

"Yeah, yeah."

_ _ _ _ _

A/N: Chapter two done!

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