Chapter 3 - 9: I Would Rather Deal With A Drug Cartel

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September 16, 2015 - October 31, 2015

 The 45 days of classes, gymnastics, volleyball, decathlon, and band flew by so fast I doubt Pietro could've caught up. They were also spent avoiding Peter as much as possible, well he avoided me and I didn't know how to talk to him so... yeah. Anyway, it became easier and easier to stay away from him because he quit both band and decathlon claiming that Mr. Stark needed him. I don't think that's why, but I have no idea. I stopped going on patrol because I only did it for Peter and apparently he didn't need me anymore. Something's up with him and Ned, they were acting weird all week (the week before Halloween) and the only explanation is that Ned found out. And then Ned got them and Spiderman invited to Liz's party, how they're going to pull it off I don't know and I can't help them do it or give them advice to not go at all. Though, Liz asked me to help her set up (like she does with every party she throws) so I have to be there and boy will it be amusing to watch.

I suppose that brings you up to speed on everything that's happened right up until today. The day of the party. It was saturday (A/N: I have no idea if it was a Saturday but let's just roll with it) and the party wasn't starting until 7 but she asked me to come at 10. Any other teenager would've been mad that they had to get up at like 8:30 to get there on time, but I'm nowhere near anything like any other teen. And the fact that I was 15 minutes early was just another confirmation. She gave me a big hug like always and started laying out her plan for everything. It was just me and her all day, but it was really fun. We talked the entire time and danced our way through the day. We finished around 5:30 and then she pulled me up to her room to get ready. The two of us were about the same size and she told me not to bring anything to change into so she could dress me up, which surprisingly ended really well. We don't really dress the same so I didn't expect it to.

She curled my hair and did very light makeup with bright red lipstick. Then she put me in a super simple tight black dress and white converse. Liz was wearing jeans and a floral top since her parents didn't let her dress the way she wanted to, probably why I'm wearing what I am but whatever. We had a couple of minutes to kill before people started arriving so we finished putting out the food and whatever drinks were supposed to be cold. Liz didn't drink so it was soda, juice and water but Flash or somebody else would probably bring something alcoholic. We'd just finished when we heard the first knock on the door. It was a group of about 10 girls who sat with Liz at lunch. Then a few minutes later the football team. I lost track after that but the house filled pretty fast and Flash swapped our phones for himself as DJ which was quite interesting. The last people to arrive were Ned and Peter. Liz and I found them standing awkwardly by the door and I ducked into the kitchen while she went to greet them. When I came back out, Peter had disappeared but a quick glance out the windows lining the ceiling told me he was on the roof. He was watching the party from outside and then I saw some sort of explosion in the distance. I glanced over my shoulder to see if anyone else saw it but nobody did and when I looked back at the window Peter was gone. I muttered a couple of Latin curses under my breath and then pushed my way through the crowd and out the back door.

I could see the blue and red Spiderman suit swinging away and I tapped into my suit as I began following on foot. I know what you're thinking and the reason I didn't push myself into the air is... Well I don't actually know. My powers just stopped working. All of them. When Tony and I first found out we figured I was just tired so I took a 12 hour nap. That wasn't it so then we thought that the H.Y.D.R.A. serum worked its way out of my system but even the powers I was born with were gone. We ran tests and exercises and scans but we could not figure it out. Because of this Tony made me start carrying a gun with me everywhere I went and then he bullet and fire proofed everything I own. I thought he was being excessive but he believed that his response was perfectly reasonable and that this would continue until we figured out what was wrong.

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