Wilbur stood leaning against the refrigerator with a smile also on his face and Tubbo stood near Phil who was busy making spaghetti. This was great! They were already in such good moods and now he was about to make them so much better!

His brothers spared him a glance and paused from their conversation, but Philza stayed focused on dinner trying not to mess up the now boiling noodles. Wilbur's face morphed into a look of distaste.

"Tommy! You're dripping all over the floor!" Wilbur shrieked and Philza turned around locking eyes with Tommy. Tommy saw disapproval fill Phil's eyes as he sternly told Tommy to go change and next time try not to make such a mess.

Tommy felt his heart deflate a little, but turned and ran up the stairs nonetheless. He quickly changed, eager to get back downstairs. He felt hurt that he'd upset them, but at the same time his good mood was definitely still there. He smiled as he pulled the dry shirt over his head and grabbed his test from his desk. He practically sprinted back downstairs.

"Guyssss, I'm back" Tommy said gleefully grabbing a glass and filling it with water. 

Techno rolled his eyes as he looked over towards him, "I was beginning to wonder why it was so peaceful."

That statement sent a bit of pain into Tommy's heart, but he pushed it aside nonetheless. Tommy's face fell for a moment before he chuckled to play it off. Wilbur murmured an agreement with Techno's statement.

Tommy always felt like he wasn't good enough to be a part of this family, but now things would change because he had worked so hard for them and now they were finally going to see. They were going to be proud of him. 

Tommy opened up his mouth and began to speak, "Guess what, you guys?"

"What?" Philza says.

"Oh god, don't encourage the child," Wilbur remarks.

Tommy looked over at Tubbo who looked like he was excited and about to blurt something out as well, but that's okay, Tubbo could talk later. This was his moment. Tommy continued, ignoring Wilbur even if his remark was hurtful. 

"So, today in math we had this giant test and-"

"I got a 100%!" Tubbo screams out of nowhere. Tommy and Tubbo were in the same math class and it seems that Tubbo managed to get a perfect score on the test, however, he hadn't studied at all. 

Techno raised his eyebrows in surprise and Wilbur looked baffled. Wilbur speaks first, "The math unit tests? Those are crazy difficult! Barely anyone makes over a C let alone a perfect score! That's awesome, Tubbo!"

Philza chimes in with pride in his tone, "And that's why I'm making his favorite meal, in celebration of my son's intelligence." Tubbo beams at Phil and Phil beams right back at him with a look of pure acceptance and happiness on his face.

"I'm proud of you, kid." Techno says, his voice had a bit of emotion that everyone rarely heard. 

Tommy looked down at his paper now frowning at the pitiful 96%. It wasn't good enough, he was never good enough. He could never make them proud, make Phil proud. Not like Tubbo did. Or Techno. Or Wilbur.

Wilbur suddenly had a thought and laughed a little, "I don't even want to think about what Tommy probably got on that test!" Laughter fills the room, but after Wil looks over to Tommy and sees his glistening eyes and a devastated expression, his older brother's face fills with concern instead of joy.

Everyone else is also quick to notice the absence of the boy's usually loud and obnoxious laughter. "Tommy, are you alright?" Tubbo says with worry in his tone. Philza turns away from the stove and his eyes go wide at Tommy's face.

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